Image of Shadowspawn

Summary: Evil never rests...


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Gender: N/A

Age: Ancient

Group: Bad guys




Ethereal gaze - staring into the empty eyes of a Shadowspawn will fill even the heartiest adventurer with a sense of impending doom. Breath catches in the throat, muscles seize up, and the will to fight is utterly drained.

Ethereal moan - While Shadowspawn draw their strength from the accursed Darklight crystal, they may also supplement this and grow stronger by way of consuming the souls of their victims. The ghostly light that emanates from their mouth can cause the soul to jump right out the body, where upon they consume it whole. All that remains is an empty wandering husk; a zombie, thirsty for the souls of others, but only able to consume their flesh.

Ethereal touch - Fighting the Shadowspawn bare handed is not advised. Even a casual touch will cause the skin to bubble and boil, as if in contact with great heat. Yet, the feeling is cold as blue ice.


Most Shadowspawn prosecute their murderous purpose with their bare, rending hands: claws capable of rending even the sturdiest armor. Yet, a few have been seen wielding the weapons of their former victims.

Physical Appearance

Ghostly glowing eyes that seem to see into your soul. Mouths more like open, jagged wounds.


Shadowspawn are the physical incarnation of the Darklight Crystal's ancient malevolent power.

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