D'Virr - Some small aid

"Milady, if you don't mind me saying so, you have the look of an adventurer like myself," he said. "Have ye come to find the source of the troubles in these parts?"

“Do I?” She smiled in amusement at the Gnome’s rather bold observation. “ I do have some small skill but an adventurer. I would not think to make such a claim. My being here is the will of my God who has seen fit to guide me to this place.”

He listened intently to her response.

"If I might be so bold, I'm forming an adventuring company and I'd be honored if you'd join me at the Governor's Office in three days," he said.

She continued to smile warmly reflecting upon his request for a moment. “ If there is need of me I would be honored to offer what aid I am able to your cause. “

The drunken Gnomes attention’s turned then to a dark elf who had walked past. An individual who in her humble opinion looked more the part of an adventurer than she herself did.

D’Virr watched in a kind of mild amusement as the drunken Gnome wandered off into the evenings crowd following in the wake of the Dark Elf. The stout fellow no doubt intent upon recruiting another for his cause.

“What a funny little man.” She mused to herself before turning her attentions to the next request.


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