But We Were Here First!

He had made it. A sign with lettering just visible enough to let Syd know that he was in this lost place called Sherwood, most of the buildings here were completely ruined. But the place wasn't abandoned, there was a group here already. They looked well prepared. Syd cautiously approached, he didn't want to spook them. Fearing that doing so would have left him as dead as the mole rat he shot before his arrival. "Excuse me, can you confirm something for me?" Syd asked.

"What is it? You shouldn't just be wandering around here, this area is under temporary control by the New California Republic. We'd prefer if you would just fuck off," this representative of the New California Republic wore a type of armour that Syd didn't recognize. He didn't recognize that name either, 'The New California Republic' this wasn't California.

"I just need to know if this is Sherwood?"

"Yes it's Sherwood, now scram."

"Why should I? What do you even want with a ruined little town like this?" Syd knew it was dangerous to agitate anyone in fancy combat gear. But deep down he knew that he had every right to explore this place.

"What's your name sir?"

"Syd, Syd Nelson."

"Well Syd, I'm Ranger Grahame. I'm going to assume you're some scavenger from the Willamette people. Am I right?" Ranger Grahame looked Syd up and down, trying to work out where he might have came from.

"I'm not a Willamette citizen, I'm a free man. Aren't you a little far from home, Ranger?"

"I may be, but that doesn't mean you have to talk to me like that. Do you understand?"

"I suppose. Now can I be on my way?" Syd asked growing impatient, he still didn't know if coming out to this place would lead to him finding whatever he was looking for. Then he had to consider that what he was looking for might not be anything of significance at all. "Look it sounds like you don't like the Willamette, trust me I don't either. If you let me take a look around I promise I'll stay out of your business."

The NCR ranger turned to another man in some fancy armour. Seemingly confirming some silent command to allow him to leave this man be. "Whatever. You're free to do what you like. Just stay the hell away from our area. Is that understood?"

"Loud and clear," then Syd got back to what he was doing and continued to search. Every few minutes he'd look at them in the corner of his eye, digging through piles of rubble and dirt. He began to wonder if they were looking for this same place as him. Thinking about this stirred something deep inside of him, making him want to find this place even more. This was his Shrangri-La, his lost city. He had to find it.

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