OngoingWorlds is changing its name

It’s pretty much obvious to everyone that this was an April Fools day joke, but I’ll leave it here for you to read:
OngoingWorlds creator, David “Onion” Ball has decided to give up making websites for a simpler life of herding beef & dairy cattle, and is planning on changing the name to match this lifestyle.
The new name will be OnCOWingWorlds, and the following games will be renamed to be cattle-themed:
The Story Forge > The Dairy Forge
Jackalope Crossing >Jackalope Cattle
OW Community Platform > COW Community Platform
Netfritia > Beef Fritters
Sliders: Unsolved Mystery > Steak Sliders
Blue Dwarf > Blue Steak
The name change will happen on the 1st of April 2019.
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