OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


StatCat – The year in review


StatCat, our clever moggie is back with some interesting stats from throughout the year of 2014.

March had the most new games created

Here’s a graph of how many new games were created per week over the year. I’ve no idea why, but March seemed to the THE month for new games!

new games per week


We’ve gained 500+ new users over the year

Yep OngoingWorlds is geting more and more popular! Most people are finding the website by googling, people are telling their friends and encouraging them to join their games, and some people are seeing our blog articles which have been shared on our Facebook page (thanks so much to everyone who’s shared them too btw, sharing is caring!).

You’re posting more and more!

Here’s a graph showing the amount of posts per week over the year.

New posts

The games with the most posts….

Hero High 2,497 posts 312,849 words
Chiyuki Koukou (Little Snow Highschool) 1,036 posts 55,615 words
When Worlds Collide… 782 posts 55,892 words

Games with the highest wordcount

Blue Dwarf 322,740 words
Hero High 312,849 words
Cymeria 126,633 words

Users with the highest number of posts

The Gamemaster 4868 posts
Sairento 2878 posts
GentlemanDoctor 1798 posts

Users with highest wordcount

Jaxx 58,513 words
Nightscarling 38,433 words
Eve_L 23,962 words