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View character profile for: James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky

View character profile for: Evelyn Barnes
The Winter and Litha Soldiers.
Litha leaned up against the busted window looking bored. Her snipper riffle already set up facing out the window looking like a predator in wait just like she did. The heat from the sun was hot enough to make waves in the air the further you looked, even the shade from the abandoned building she was in provided little protection from the heat. Luckily such things didn't bother her "Litha what's your status" the males voice said through her ear peace as she crouched down, overlooking the city "in position" she replied. After a moment of silence the voice rang again "clear to target" the voice said. Without replying Litha moved to her riffle and like she had done countless times got in position. Her scope found her target almost instantly. The target was maybe fifteen hundred yards away, which was more then doable for her. She lined her sights with his head , her focus zoomed in just as much as her scope. She exhaled and fired. Her targets head exploded almost instantly "Confirmed kill" she said as she routinely and quickly started to pack up her equipment. After a moment the voice replied " Kill is confirmed coordinates have been sent return to base" said the voice. As per usual they only give you the coordinates of the base if you are successful in your task, the base itself is always moving. She finished packing up and made her way back down in the building. Once on the ground floor she put quickly got on her motorcycle, started it, and left
As she rode down the highway, a man dressed all in black with a mask pulled up next to her. Their four handlers road on their own bikes, two in front and two behind. The man spared a glance at the woman next to him. He wanted to get her out of this life, to protect his sister. He couldn't remember if they grew up together or not, but he knew he had to protect her as much as possible. If nothing else, she was his sister because they had each other's backs in the field. They were both the prized weapons of HYDRA. The Winter and Litha Soldiers.
Once at the coordinates they both got off their bikes and left their weapons on the bikes for the others to deal with. It looked like a small broken-down shack in the middle of a swamp but they knew better "hungry?" Litha said as they walked towards the shack
He pulled her to a stop and whispered, "Вы колебались - you hesitated." He didn't expect her to say anything. "Я не смогу обеспечить твою безопасность, если ты будешь ждать. Тебе следовало подготовиться к удару еще до того, как я спросил, на месте ли ты, Лита. - I can't keep you safe if you wait. You should have had the shot lined up before I even asked if you were in place, Litha."
She glanced at him once inside the shack. The floor opened and an elevator rose up. They both got inside. Once inside she said "Я совершил убийство, и мне не нужно, чтобы ты защищал меня. I made the kill and I don't need you to protect me " When he looked like he was going to speak she continued " Будь спокоен, брат мой, смерть – это часть работы. Be calm my brother death is part of the job"
"Дело не в этом, и ты это знаешь. Нам повезет, если ты не получишь стул. - That's not the point and you know it. We'll be lucky if you don't get the chair." Both of them shivered at the thought. "Теперь приготовьтесь. На этот раз Пирсу понадобится отчет о миссии без нахальства. - Now, get ready. Pierce will want the mission report without the sass this time."
"тогда вам лучше поговорить Then you better do the talking" she said as the doors opened
They both stood in front of the desk that had been set up for Pierce. The man stood up and went up to Litha, playing with strands of her hair. Winter wanted to pull her behind him, to stab the older-looking man for thinking he could touch his sister. But he stood still.
"Mission report," Pierce ordered.
"Targ-" Winter began.
"Not you. Litha."
"Sir, it-"
He backhanded Winter. "Mission report, Litha, or I put him in the cage with one of our other soldiers before wiping both of you."
The other Winter Soldiers were far stronger than the two of them but weren't able to be controlled. It's why they often stayed in cryo. When she looked at Winter, there was a flash of fear in his eyes for a second before the emotionless mask returned. If she sassed Pierce, both would get the chair, but if she didn't say anything, Winter would be beaten because of her and they still get the chair. She had to be a good soldier and just give the report... but both she and Winter knew that it wouldn't happen and Pierce was counting on it.
Heat filled her body as her anger filled her , there was no win here, she knew they were both going to get the chair regardless of what she did. They had been doing it more lately almost like something had them spooked. She would rather get it over with so winter wouldn't be in pain anymore and she could remember more of her past "what's wrong pierce to old to read the report?" she said in a emotionless tone
Pierce slapped her. While her head moved to the side, there wasn't a sting anymore. Not since she was forced to take the serum. It was normal to suffer the abuse HYDRA handed out. Winter moved closer to her as men came in to drag them away.
"Winter, mission report," Pierce said, acting like he was adjusting his ring.
"Mission successful," Winter said. "Target eliminated."
"Good." Pierce turned to the guards. "Wipe them."
They were forced into their chairs. Their breaths became fast and heavy. He wanted to reach over and hold Litha's hand, but both of them were strapped in. The headgear lowered into place. Both of them screamed around their mouthguards, pain filling them. He watched as the few memories he had disappeared and there was nothing left. Just... empty.