Image of Demetria Calm

Summary: Tria

Demetria Calm

Owned by:

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Group: Newcomer


Child of Molech

Status/Family (if any)

Fortune Calm claims Tria as her granddaughter.

Occupation or Trade (if any)

Seamstress apprentice

Skills/Special abilities (if any)

Very strong.
Knows how to inflict pain and fight.
Excellent night vision.


Has no control over herself, is a slave to Molech

Notable possessions/weapons (if any)

A silver torc around her neck.

Physical Appearance

5'4", 110 pounds. Ash blond. Blue eyes that are so dark one does not always notice that she has slit pupils.
Much of her body is covered in scars, many from when she was a small child that had stretched and broken as she had grown and many more recent scars.
She wears a silver torc around her neck.
Tria usually wears a cloak to hide her wings. Her wings are bat-like, where there would be fur on a bat's wing is covered in golden brown scales. When fully extended her wingspan is twelve feet.
Her cloak also serves to hide her tail which is a little over four feet long, prehensile, also covered in golden brown scales.
Sawed off horns hidden by hair.

Personality and interests

Very angry, very frustrated, and very scared. Does not want to be what she is but knows nothing else.


Born from an unknown human mother and fathered by Galina's followers. Taken as a newborn to be raised as one of Molech's own. Life was pain and being transformed into what she is now, not entirely human.

Tria was brought to the Keep as Fortune Calm's granddaughter, to be a help. Tria was taken on as the seamstress Millicent Gerthrim's apprentice, and Fortunate has been very open about trying to match Tria with Millie's twin brother, Lek.
In truth Tria is not related to Fortune, Fortune is a follower of Galina and Tria's handler. Tria is supposed to seduce Lek so she becomes pregnant by him, and to kill Millie. But Millie is the first person to ever show Tria kindness. Tria thought all she would need to do to seduce Lek would be to give him an opportunity, but to her surprise he did not want to have sex with her.

So Fortune Calm forced Tria to step up on seducing Lek. Tria drugged him, but was very reluctant to take advantage of him. Fortunately Miyuki intervened. Tria was captured. She told Bai and Alex everything she knew, and Alex gave her a necklace, telling her she could use it to kill herself before Galina could get her.

The keep was attacked so Tria used the necklace. She expected death and was surprised to be transported to Alex's side.

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Recent Activity

Image of Demetria Calm
Updated character profile Dec 19, 2023, 12:33pm
Mentioned in the post JP - Under Attack - The Keep - The Dungeon and Alex's Room Oct 19, 2023, 8:49pm
Mentioned in the post The Keep Under Attack Oct 19, 2023, 8:39pm
Updated character profile Aug 26, 2023, 8:50pm
Mentioned in the post JP - The Keep - The Dungeon - Tria's Cell Jun 16, 2023, 11:42pm
Mentioned in the post JP - The Keep - The Thick Plottens May 30, 2023, 10:00pm
Mentioned in the post JP - The Keep - Lek's Room May 29, 2023, 2:51pm
Mentioned in the post JP - The Keep - Herbs and powders May 29, 2023, 2:43pm
Updated character profile May 28, 2023, 11:08pm
Updated character profile May 18, 2023, 4:51pm
Updated character profile May 17, 2023, 10:57pm
Mentioned in the post