Image of Jago Kenwyck

Summary: Jago

Jago Kenwyck

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Gender: Male

Age: 25

Group: NPC



Status/Family (if any)

Wife Kerensa. Daughters Sevi and Ebrel.

Occupation or Trade (if any)

Born rich

Skills/Special abilities (if any)

So much money.


Notable possessions/weapons (if any)

He's rich, he has just about everything

Physical Appearance

Handsome, tall, dark hair, fair skin, neatly trimmed beard and mustache.

Personality and interests

Deceptive. He comes across as kind and often donates to various charities. He's a respected member of Portside high society.

But he's cruel. Everyone he meets he looks at how he can use them. He frequents brothels to abuse the girls there. When he gets drunk he abuses his own manse's servants- always coming up with excuses the next day; "She's only accusing me of that because she has been stealing!" or "He has been disrespecting the house and needed to learn respect." and the excuses have been believable, missing objects or more coin that can be accounted for have turned up in the accused maid's belongings, someone always vouched that the battered potboy or stable boy had been disrespectful.


Jago grew up privileged and got everything he ever wanted. He is the only surviving legitimate son of the Kenwyck family. Being so desirable his parents took their time choosing a wife for him and even after choosing delayed announcing his engagement to Kerensa Verrick. Jago knew fully well that he was to marry Kerensa, who was abroad visiting relatives but had made bets with his friends about seducing a lady while Kerensa was away. He decided on Ila because she had very recently debuted, she was pretty and inexperienced. Only a week before his engagement was announced at a party Jago had drawn Ila aside to an office where they had some privacy and promised that he would convince his parents to let him marry her, his family was rich enough to make her parents let her marry him. He succeeded in seducing Ila by making her think if she didn't let him have his way with her he would die- the girl was naive enough to believe that. After he was done with her he sent her back to the party and laughed with his friends who paid up.

Jago kept no promises to Ila. In the week following the seduction, he thought little of her except to laugh. When the engagement was announced he deliberately sought her face in the crown of partygoers and watched her be crushed by the news. During the party, Ila managed to catch Jago alone and asked why he lied to her. Jago tod her it was her own fault for being so stupid, of course the richest bachelor would marry the richest available girl, she was just something to have fun with while Kerensa was away. Jago realized that he enjoyed hurting Ila as much as he enjoyed hurting servants and was a little disappointed that he would not get the opportunity to hurt her again.

Months later he still had not married Kerensa but it was coming soon. His betrothed had been spending a lot of time at his manse and was there when Ila secretively visited him. Ila told him that she was pregnant and begged him to do what was right for their child's sake. Jago was delighted and laughed. Kerensa burst into the room, having apparently heard the whole thing. To Jago's surprise, Kerensa was angry at him for what he did and how he was treating Ila- he expected her being a woman to be jealous and be on his side. Kerensa wanted to break off the engagement, she did not want to marry a man who would use a woman and just leave her. Jago told Kerensa that he was marrying her and that whoever knocked up Ila it was not him. He had servants toss Ila out.

Kerensa's parents would not let Kerensa out of the marriage, Jago told Kerensa that Ila's baby could not be his, that he never did anything with Ila, and that Ila was just acting crazy. Perhaps Kerensa believed that or only pretended to because she was forced to marry him. Kerensa did marry him as planned. And Jago pretended to be a good husband.

It did not take long for Kerensa to become pregnant. With his wife pregnant and less attractive at home, Jago visited the Crimson Dove, Portside's most famous brothel. Ila had disappeared from society not long after Jago had sent her from his manse, there were several rumors about where she had gone, some said she was living with distant relatives, and others said she had been sold to the Crimson Dove. Jago was delighted to find that she had been sent to the Crimson Dove and with his coin, he could have her whenever he wanted. Ila had tried to refuse him but she was not allowed to say no to anyone. Jago loved taunting and forcing himself on her. A few times Ila tried killing herself when he came to her room, tried throwing herself off a balcony twice, or out the window once (leading toe bars being placed on her window). Each time she was caught and Jago did what he wanted to her.

Kerensa gave birth to a girl, much to Jago's disappointment. He still carried out his "husbandly duties" to her but still frequented the Crimson Dove. Ila was thin, hollow-eyed, bruised, and had several cuts- Jago wasn't the only client who was rough with her. But Jago found her more attractive than his wife because she was so unwilling. To Jago's great disappointment one day he went to the Crimson Dove she was gone- at first, he thought she finally killed herself but it turned out that someone had bought out her contract to make her his mistress. Jago was angry that he never thought of that for himself.

Around the same time that Ila left the Crimson Dove Kerensa became pregnant with their second child, which was another disappointing daughter.

Jago kept frequenting the Crimson Dove and the women hated him there, but none of them were Ila so he was not satisfied. He began thinking about taking on an official mistress. He didn't like that he had to pay by the hour and he couldn't rough up the women as much as he would like. Also if Kerensa kept giving him daughters shouldn't he be expected to have at least one mistress to give him sons, even if they were bastards? He could always give the bastard sons to Kerensa to raise as their own, it was not unheard of.

After Kerensa became pregnant the third time he caught her in a vulnerable moment and brought up getting a mistress. Jago made it sound like it would be a help to her but even he knew Kerensa only agreed because she was exhausted and overwhelmed. Even with nannies helping there was such a small space between each birth and getting pregnant again it was taking a toll on Kerensa.

Jago had led Kerensa to believe that he would choose an older and experienced woman for a mistress. Instead, he chose a shy girl two years younger than Karensa who came from a starving family- her parents practically sold her for food. Jago told Karensa that he had a mistress but that it would be easier on everyone if she never met her. He had his young mistress put in a small room off his own room and wasted no time in abusing her. His servants would not interfere, they did not want to lose their jobs and references like so many other fired servants over the years.

He doubted that Kerensa would ever come across the girl, Kerensa mostly stayed in her own rooms of the manse or strolled in the gardens- whenever he met with Kerensa he had either gone to her or sent for her. So he did not think there would be any disturbances as he tortured the girl.

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