What is that?

"What the hell is that?!" One of the jumpier soldiers asked, pointing his spear at the kitsune.

Wulfsen had finished sending the runner to the Keep when he noticed the disturbance by the tavern. The soldiers were facing a girl with fox ears and tail. Wulfsen drew his sword and jogged over, his first thought that some demon had come out of the Black Raven. To be fair he had never met a kitsune before, most of the 'people' around here are human with a few elves, dwarves, even a centaur and a herd of unicorns deep in the forest. A girl with animal ears and tail can take some getting used to. Especially when she had the misfortune of turning up outside the Black Raven.

"What's going on?" Wulfsen asked.

"This came out of the woods!" The soldier said, jabbing his spear towards the girl for emphasis.

"Don't skewer her." Wulfsen ordered. Out of the woods instead of the Black Raven, sure there were some strange things in the Dark Forest but unlike the Black Raven the Dark Forest was natural if dangerous at times. Wulfsen lowered his sword with relief that she had not come out of the Black Raven but did not sheath it yet. Wulfsen studied the girl, she did not feel evil or like a threat, even if she looked different. "Did she do anything?"

The soldier stopped jabbing his spear at the girl. "She came out of the woods, walked over here and asked where we are."

Probably some lost Forest Folk. Wulfsen guessed. With the village destroyed and standing empty for so long the forest has started moving in its place and its people with it. Wulfsen relaxed. "We're in what was Buckley Village." He answered her.

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