JP - Don't Break Anything Important

“No,” The guard chuckled and left, locking him in the room with Coral for a few hours before a girl was shoved into the room for him.

“No breaking anything important! We want her to get pregnant, you idiot!”

Coral just giggled.

“It’s possible to have a baby with a broken leg, the bitch I knocked up with twins got a broken leg and she was fine, the twins were too.” Clonestone said, grabbing the girl and dragging her to his bed.

“NO BROKEN BONES!” The entire intercom system in the room yelled.

The girl whimpered and tried to get away.

Clonestone smiled and slapped her across the face.

Crying out, the girl instinctively kneed him between the legs.

“I’ll tell on ya if ya break anything, Cloney!” Coral called.

"Shut up you virgin freak." Clonestone grunted, slapping the girl again a little harder this time.

She cried out again, screaming for Coral to help her, but all the water woman did was watch.

Clonestone grabbed her arms, digging his fingernails into her flesh this time as he dragged her to his bed. “Either you get on the bed or I’ll fuck you on the floor.”

Trying to pull away, the girl glanced at the floor and bed, her lavender hair brushing from her shoulders. It was not as dark as the N1KK1 girl, but it was still a soft shade of purple…

Clonestone impatiently began shoving the girl to the floor. He was remembering N1KK1 now, she was almost as much fun as Tzeitel. They did not allow him to do everything he wanted with N1KK1, and they would not allow him to do everything he wanted with this girl either unfortunately. But there was a lot of fun he would be allowed to have with her. He still wished he was free to do everything he wanted.

“NO!” The girl screamed and kicked him in the face.

"The more you fight me the more I'll have to hurt you." Clonestone said in delight at his bleeding nose as he put his weight on the girl.

Coral watched as the poor purple haired girl fell victim to the hard skinned man. “His dick is still fuckin’ tiny…” She muttered.

Clonestone ignored Coral as he hurt and used the girl. He took his time, dragging it out.

By the end the girl was in tears and in pain. She turned away and curled up, hiding her face in her hands. The entire time she had been screaming and begging…

Clonestone was completely satisfied by the time he rolled off the poor girl. He whistled as he fixed his pants. “How did it make you feel? Like a woman I bet, right?”

“She’s bleeding too much, Cloney…” Coral commented from her side of the room.

“They always bleed afterwards, it means I did a good job.” Clonestone said proudly. He ran a finger down her spine.

The girl jerked away.

“Hah! From my understanding and all the stuff I’ve read in biology books, that’s very wrong, bub.” Coral snorted and splashed water onto Clonestone. “Leave her alone, you dick.”

“Those books were written by virgins.” Clonestone said, scooping the girl up off the floor and setting her on the bed, his hands roaming over her body possessively. “She’s my plaything. I’m not hurting her… now.”

The girl whimpered and tried to pull away from him. “S-stop it…”

“Then why is she tryin’ to run away from ya?” Coral asked, setting her hands on her hips. “Poor thang looks like she’s about ta have a heart attack.” She giggled when her side of the room’s door opened. “Hm?? It was a group of scientists and they started talking to her about…experiments involving her having children.

“She’s just not a virgin freak like you.” Clonestone gripped the girl by the neck with one hand, not hard enough to strangle her but tight enough to make her uncomfortable and unable to get away as he groped her with his other hand. He did not care that there were witnesses, he liked having an audience. “Who would want to fuck you? Coral can’t get pregnant, she’s a freak. Like that lesbian dog girl with the nice firm tits Tzeitel runs around with.”

“That dog girl has puppies, you dick!” Coral screamed and suddenly splashed ice cold water on him. “FUCK YOU!”

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