JP - The Intervention is going... it's going

Bumble gave Mark a small bow of respect and made her way back to her own room. First, though, she gave Radar a small hug and let Breezy nuzzle him before going.

Radar blushed but followed bumble so he could walk her to her room before heading to his own.


"She could practice on Radar" Mark offered as he entered the room giving Delilah a kiss on the cheek before whispering they have to talk later. "He spent most of his life in the underground, nothing traumatizing."

Delilah gently smacked Tzeitel’s hand away from her neck like a protective mother. “We’ll be celebrating her birthday and making it a good and fun time, okay? For now, let's try to find more people like Bronte for her to practice on. A lot of the children here have not ever been at MegaCorp, thankfully.”

"Bronte the psychic that I helped MegaCorp capture?" Tzeitel asked in disbelief. "I saw him earlier… he doesn't look free of trauma." She rubbed her slapped hand with a scowl at Delilah.

"Don't scowl at me missy." Delilah warned, pinching Tzeitel's face. "The more you scratch it the worse it gets. And…well, Bronte ran into some nasty people…"

“He was in MegaCorp and ran into nasty people- why do you want Ami to use her powers on him again?” Tzeitel asked, rubbing her cheek.

“Never mind using her powers on him. Though, it would be helpful if she used her powers on the children. It could let us know if they aren’t telling us things they should…like if they’re being bullied or something. Or just see how their day has been when they can’t talk.” Delilah explained. “Simple stuff so that she can get practice in.”

“Or it could be a huge invasion of privacy.” Tzeitel said, her hand going to her neck. “We still don’t know what Ami’s powers do to a person when she absorbs information from them. She should stick to objects like books, cards and board games until we know what effect she has on people.”

“Tzeitel, you’re contradicting yourself…how can she know what effect there is without practice?” Delilah was starting to feel a bit irritated, but kept herself calm. She hoped Frisk could get Leimomi here soon…

Tzeitel bristled. “We don’t even know what using her powers does to her- can we at least just stick to her only using her powers on objects before people she experiments on get affected as well as Ami?”

Leimomi’s approaching footsteps could be heard to those with heightened senses. Which is not Mark, Delilah, Frisk or Tzeitel.

“You can’t force Ami not to do what she wants, Tzeitel.” Delilah said and took a step back from the pheromone user.

“I’m not forcing her to not do anything! I’m just trying to be careful! If I hadn’t been careful with Cody he would have lost more than three years before we realized what using his powers was costing him!” Tzeitel was pissed now. “She’s my little sister, not yours, which is a good thing because you’d probably have her experimenting with her powers on everyone you met and then be surprised when something bad happens!”

“Calm down- we’re going to be careful with Ami’s powers.” Frisk said soothingly.

“Are you? Because it seems like I’m the only one trying to be careful with her powers at all!” Tzeitel snapped.

Delilah’s frown turned into a glare. “Show some respect, Tzeitel. We’re only trying to help.”

“No, you keep trying to make me agree to you using Ami as some fucking experiment like MegaCorp and acting like I’m keeping her prisoner for wanting to use any caution!” Tzeitel said.

Delilah was resisting the urge to slap Tzeitel.

“Calm down- both of you.” Frisk said. “Look, we’ll stick to just having Ami practice on objects, okay? She’s not here right now anyways.”

Delilah made herself step back and keep her hands in her jacket pockets. When she finally heard footsteps nearing the room, she opened the door to let Leimomi inside.

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