Image of Iasis Frisk

Summary: The doctor for those who can't go to a hospital

Iasis Frisk

Owned by:

Gender: Female

Age: 47

Group: Meta Underground (Humans/Metas)

Superpower (If Applicable)


Useful Skills

Emergency medicine.

Rank/Title (If Applicable)


Physical Appearance

5’9”, muscular. Black curly hair and brown eyes.

Personality and interests

An adrenaline junkie with compassion.


For years Frisk rode around in an ambulance but wanted to do more. About a year ago she briefly worked for MegaCorps as a medic, expecting to save lives of those protecting the world from dangerous metas. Instead she found humans abusing and exploiting metas, and hardly any of the metas were actually dangerous.
The last straw was how callously MegaCorps soldiers treated one of their own metas who had spent three days being tortured by another meta. They would not allow her collar to be removed, even though it kept reopening the wounds. Frisk had to smuggle the girl medications because they did not think she was worth wasting resources on in case she died anyways. The girl was clearly traumatized but getting her any kind of therapy was out of the question.
By the time it was clear that the meta was going to survive, Frisk knew she had to get out of MegaCorps. She had gotten some very clear threats about what would happen next time she spent resources on a meta. She began to see that she could do more outside of MegaCorps than in it, and left. She did not give any notice, did not pick up her check, did not even clean out her locker. She just left. She felt guilty for abandoning the girl but she would be no use to her dead. Did not go home. She had no family to worry about. She was more or less on the run until she joined an underground meta organization. An allied baseline human can be useful, especially when they are physically strong and skilled in emergency medicine.

Frisk treated Evie, a lightning wielder who escaped MegaCorps.
Has met Cody, a unicorn meta who has regenerative healing abilities.
Went on a mission to steal gold from MegaCorps as a medic.

She has been reunited with Tzeitel, who has escaped MegaCorps.
Frisk does not get along with James. She has treated some of his victims and doubts that he has truly changed. The last time she treated James for burns and self mutilation she thought his remorse for his past was a good sign and advised him to apologize to his victims in letters. It would not be until months later that she would learn he would actually try to follow her advice.
Frisk continues working in the meta underground. She has done something she regrets, along with Delilah, locked Feng in solitary confinement until she went mad. Her actions were influenced by Iram, a meta with mind controlling powers, but she still carries that guilt.
Frisk had been working closely with Delilah on her property when nearly the entire place was leveled by quakes caused by Loreen destroying her labs and being attacked by monsters. Frisk was staying in safe houses with Delilah, Mark, Lyle and Juliet when Dr Chi, his wife and the pyro kids were murdered. Frisk had only planed on going up to the meta village long enough to break the bad news to Tzeitel, but has ended up taking up residence there.

More history coming soon

For Frisk's "Dark History" see messages 19 and 26.

Has pretty much taken up residence in the Meta Underground. The Underground has more doctors and resources than before, but she is still kept very busy. She has been very concerned about Tzeitel's relapse, going so far as forcibly sedating her once just to get her to sleep. Her concern has only grown worse after Thrane captured her.

Tzeitel was returned to the Underground. Klaire could tell by Tzeitel's scent that Tzeitel was not pregnant, but Frisk confirmed it with a pregnancy test.
Frisk was glad to see Tzeitel doing well at Ami's birthday party, and hoped she would continue to improve.
Then Tzeitel was abducted by Cholt. Frisk treated Tzeitel when she returned. Frisk had seen the video and had thought Colt had been the one to hurt her, until Piritta vouched for him claiming to have been with him the entire time. Frisk hates seeing Tzeitel in this state again.
Then the Underground was attacked. Frisk escaped to the Warehouse with Tzeitel and got her stabilized. When Cody came and healed her, Frisk made sure he had not overexerted himself. When she went to the Farm to treat Gregor and Riven, Cody came along and Frisk kept an eye on him. She also assured Tzeitel that Cody was fine when they returned to the Warehouse.
Has grown close to Abraham since his "return from the dead".

Favourite Sayings

How many fingers am I holding up?

Favourite food


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Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Iasis Frisk
Updated character profile Jan 20, 2024, 9:27pm
Updated character profile Sep 16, 2023, 3:24pm
Mentioned in the post JP - Frisk on her Phone Aug 10, 2023, 11:29pm
Mentioned in the post JP - Hello Evie Aug 9, 2023, 10:53pm
Mentioned in the post JP - Not Raccoons Aug 9, 2023, 10:51pm
Mentioned in the post JP - A Familiar Look Aug 7, 2023, 1:45am
Mentioned in the post JP - Operation: Saving a Working Girl and Drizzt Aug 6, 2023, 4:40am
Mentioned in the post JP - Operation save a Watermelon Aug 6, 2023, 4:38am
Mentioned in the post JP - No More Undercover Aug 5, 2023, 9:43pm
Mentioned in the post JP - More scans of a Bullet Aug 4, 2023, 9:07pm
Mentioned in the post JP - Meet Emily Aug 4, 2023, 12:29am
Mentioned in the post JP - Colt Falls Aug 4, 2023, 12:27am
Updated character profile Jun 18, 2023, 1:08am
Updated character profile Jun 3, 2023, 7:16pm
Updated character profile Jun 3, 2023, 6:14pm
Updated character profile Jun 2, 2023, 9:11pm
Mentioned in the post