JP - Operation: Saving a Working Girl and Drizzt

“We should be there in about twenty minutes.” Frisk said and listened to the metas chat. She remembered the same timeline as Tzeitel, why she also got stuck remembering James being a rapist she did not know. It kind of made sense Tzeitel remembering because she lived next door to Riley, who was the one altering timelines. Maybe that was why Frisk was able to separate the alternate timeline from what really happened, though it had taken her a while to get over it. She still found herself tempted to ask James the date of his last period on a bad day. She hoped Klaire did not end up leaving, she remembered how devastated Tzeitel was the last time her best friend left her. Tzeitel was stronger than she was five years ago, but with how she was struggling lately it would be a hard blow and could set her back further. But Klaire had legitimate reasons to want to leave.

“I’m hoping Tzeitel will improve in the Underground where she’s able to get more help… Though she did receive some more bad news today.” Frisk was not going to violate Tzeitel’s privacy, but she was pretty sure they had heard Tzeitel shouting about that bullet. At least those with sensitive hearing.

Susi had heard, but she was not going to tell everyone about it.

Alex sighed "I hope and she'll finally get help because she's not just pushing Klaire away it's obvious Cody and Ami are at their wit's end."

“There’s also the issue with Colt,” Susi added. “He still loves her…”

“I know he does, but him kissing her only further complicates things.” Frisk said.

"It sometimes seems like she thinks she doesn't deserve happiness" Alex replied "I used to feel that way before I came to the village."

“She’s been pushing people away…even the kids at times.” James commented and sighed. “It’s no wonder that Colt would eventually do something stupid. He probably didn’t want her pushing him away either.”

“Probably, but it seems to have had the opposite effect.” Susi retorted and leaned on Alex.

“It’s complicated, Alex.” Frisk said.

"I know" Alex sighed "i just wish things were different for her. Hopefully this time at the underground will help her."

“She never had friends until she left MegaCorp, she survived in MegaCorp by keeping people away from her. Even when she was a little kid before MegaCorp she was alone.” Frisk said, growing irritated by getting stuck behind a slow asshole.

Susi went to the front and slammed onto the horn for Frisk. “GET OUTTA THE WAY!” She screamed out the window at the asshole.

“Alex, I think you might need to have her go through some anger management…” James said with worry.

Alex nodded "I know we've just been distracted to say the least. She's been wanting to make up five years of heat cycles." Reaching forward he pulled the wolf girl into his lap locking his arms around her waist.

“The past five years have not been kind to anyone’s mental health. Leimomi is going to be very busy.” Frisk said, finally passing the slow asshole who was flicking the whole van off with both hands.

Susi showed the asshole her sword as they went by. “I’LL TAKE THOSE FINGERS IF YOU KEEP THAT UP, ASSHOLE!!!” She screamed just before Alex pulled her to him. She sat there, growling.

James merely cleared his throat and moved a bit closer to Piritta for once. He never thought he’d be afraid of someone more than his fear of Piritta.

Frisk wondered if Tzeitel could have helped by using her powers to keep Susi’s anger under control, or if she would be making things worse picking fights with James or being embarrassed by Alex and Susi.

“Do you want me to tell Klaire?” Piritta asked James.

“What are you talking about?” James looked confused by Piritta’s words as he just sat there now.

Susi calmed and looked at Frisk. “I hope we get there soon!”

“You’re sitting very close to a woman in her underwear.” Piritta pointed out.

“It’s safer than being close to her…” James said, looking at Susi with concern.

"You're not the one she wants pups with so I'd say you're fine" Alex replied.

“I still don’t want to accidentally get cut in half by her sword…” James gestured to said weapon.

“Okay, but when Klaire asks, James moved towards me- not the other way around.” Piritta said.

"No offense but I doubt James is going to cheat on a girl like Klaire especially since you two are both in relationships" Alex chuckled "speaking of why are you here? Not that we don't appreciate the backup but what about your boyfriend?"

“Olle needs rest.” Piritta said. “No brain injury, which is good news. But he doesn’t remember the riot at all. They think it was from the trauma.”

“He could have a concussion…” James said with a shrug. “But you said no brain injury…maybe it’s a good thing he can’t remember.”

Susi pouted, wanting to arrive already. “Will he heal?”

Alex began to scratch her ears again too calm her down "it's not uncommon for memory loss to occur after receiving a blow to the head I'm sure he'll be fine medical facilities at the underground have grown a lot over the past 5 years.

“He’ll heal, they don’t know if he’ll ever remember the riot though.” Piritta said with a shrug.

"Perhaps that's a good thing from what I saw the footage it wasn't pretty" Alex replied.

“Joo.” Piritta had been watching the footage in real time. She was grateful to RIley for saving him, she could tell that those anti-metas were going to kill him.

Piritta would receive a text from Juno with a picture of Ryan and Megan cuddled up and sleeping.

Piritta texted Juno back. ‘ 👍’ and a Tenth Kingdom meme.

“Here’s the place.” Frisk said. The motel looked like the kind of place one paid by the hour.

“Put on condoms.” Pirittac told the guys when she saw the motel.

Alex handed Susi a small bottle of Vicks vapor to help with the smell not envying his wife's enhanced senses.

“Thank you, love,” Susi said, already able to smell things she really did not want to.

Drizzt would be heading out with the woman he saved as Razor got out of the car, shotgun in hand.

Alex opened his duffel bag unleashing a swarm of mechanical birds to act as a barrier between Drizzt and razor.

Clonestone hardened his skin into thick plates. “Hey- he has my hooker! I do get to finish with her, right?” He loudly asked Razor.

The woman’s eyes widened when she heard Clonestone’s voice, she moved back towards the motel.

Piritta jumped out of the van, her birch handled knife at the ready.

Frisk pulled a gun from her med bag. “Try not to get hurt.” She told the metas.

Pulling out a knife, Razor cut part of his arm and flicked it onto the mechanical birds. His blood, which was strangely acidic, started to melt through the metal. “They sent me for a reason, kids…” He said with a grin.

Drizzt held the woman close, picking her up as fear entered his own eyes. “Not him…” He whispered and started to run toward Frisk.

James stepped out and shot fire along the ground toward Clonestone and Razor. “They just had to send that fucker of all people…” He said in disdain.

Susi frowned at the sight of the birds being melted into. “What the fuck?” She asked, looking at Razor. “Who’s he?” She had never been allowed to know about Razor.

“Give us a sitrep Jame” Alex replied.

The woman clung to Drizzt. She was terrified. Being a baseline in the middle of a meta fight was terrifying, and one of the metas had been hurting her not long ago.

“Ooh, it’s like that Alien movie.” Piritta said. “I wish I saved some of River’s berries, I bet this would look really cool with River’s berries.” The Finn made a beeline for the acidic meta.

“Hey- are all your bodily fluids like that?” Clonestone asked.

“Shut up,” Razor said to Clonestone as he aimed his shotgun at Piritta, waiting for her to get just close enough before taking a shot. His blood was still dripping to the ground, hissing as it hit.

Drizzt would reach Frisk, gasping with both fear and the exertion it took to run while carrying the woman. “We can’t stay here…” He gasped out.

James looked at Alex. “Har har…” He muttered.

Meanwhile, Susi rushed to help Piritta. “Hey! Never shoot a lady!”

“Damn it Susi “ Alex muttered opening his other bags he unleashed the rest of his bird and had them fly high up so they could dive bomb the enemie’s blind spots.

Piritta took the shot. “Damn, it’s gonna hurt passing that.” She muttered when the pellets decided to just bounce around her insides instead of passing through. She charged at Razor with her fist ready to punch him in the nuts.

Frisk helped Drizzt get the woman in the van and could see at a glance that she was bleeding- blood was still running down her legs. “Guys, we should GO!” She shouted to her metas.

Razor took three more shots at Piritta and rolled away, swinging his arm toward her so blood would fly on her. With a quick swipe, he met Susi’s sword with the shotgun and used his free hand to grab for one of his pistols.

Drizzt nodded, looking at them all.

James forced the fire to encircle Clonestone, hoping to keep him busy.

Alex had one of his birds snatch the pistol away “harm my wife and you won’t live long enough to regret it.” As he did this some of his birds were also harassing Canestone, trying to cut off his nuts with their wings.

“That stings. You’re really vitun annoying.” Piritta said, punching Razor in the groin.

Clonestone let the fire burn his clothes off, his skin too hard to be burned or cut by the metal birds. He walked towards James. “You can’t wait to get fucked, can you?”

Frisk worked on the woman, gently but quickly. “I want to get her to the Underground.”

Drizzt looked at them. “Come on!” He yelled.

Susi tried to slice down at Razor as Piritta went to kick him, but he was quick to back off and let himself fall, rolling back and away. “You’re the one he told me about.” He said, looking at Piritta. “Nice to know I’m annoying, ma’am.”

James glared at Clonestone, grabbing onto the girls and trying to pull them back to the vehicle. “Come on…” He said, trying to ignore Clonestone.

Alex pulled out an smg he had hidden in his jacket and began covering their retreat.

“Hey, Luna!” Clonestone shouted when he recognized the wolf girl. “Been picked up by your tail lately?”

“I wanna kill both of these fuckers!” Piritta snarled.

Alex glared at Canestone and had two of his birds clamp down with their beaks on his nuts.

“Hey!” Clonestone reached down to pry the birds off. His skin was too thick and hard for them to hurt, but they did not feel pleasant.

“Are they coming?” Frisk asked, still focused on her patient.

Susi laughed at Clonestone and ran back to the vehicle, hopping in.

James growled kept pulling on Piritta. “I know you do, but we’re here to save people!” He shot more fire toward Razor and Clonestone.

“Piritta if you don’t get in the van I’ll make sure to tell River and she’ll cut off your berry supplies” Alex yell swapping out an empty mag for a fresh one.

“I know you want to lick my feet again, Luna!” Clonestone shouted after Susi. “No one can ever satisfy you like I did.”

“I’m going to tell Klaire tartuit tissistäni!” Piritta said irritably but she got back in the van.

Sadly, just before he could follow them into the van, there was a sudden pain in James’ chest and he looked down to see blood soaking his shirt. “Fuck…” He groaned and looked toward Clonestone and Razor. The acid blooded meta had gotten his other pistol out and shot him. “You…”

“Oh, shit!” Susi yelled.

Once Clonestone saw that James was wounded, he ran to the pyro and grabbed him, twisted and grabbed James’s arm. “C’mon Smokey. You’re in for some fun.”

“Let him go” Alex yelled firing his smg and having all his birds attack Canestone.

“Why do you idiots keep trying to shoot me?” Clonestone asked as the projectiles ricocheted off of him and barely missed James’s eyes.

“Oh, vittu-” Piritta was about to leave the van but was grabbed by Frisk.

“What the fuck happened to you, Piritta?” The medic asked. “Can someone drive this thing? The Finn is full of shot.”

“Shotgun pellets!” Susi yelled as she hopped into the driver’s seat and reversed them all out of there. She didn’t want to leave James behind, but if they stuck around, that acid blooded freak would be the end of all of them.

Alex cursed and grabbed onto the van as it drove away.

Drizzt silently watched as they sped away, leaving James behind.

“Vittu saatana!” Piritta cursed as Frisk began extracting the pellets. “James is back there! You think sexually frustrated Susi was bad, wait until you face Klaire after leaving him behind!”

“Which is why I want to thank you for volunteering to tell her piritta” Alex said not wanting to face the angry dog girl.

“It wasn’t my idea to leave him, or even leave without Clonestone’s junk in a little box.” Piritta said.

Susi’s ears were down and she had a horrified look in her eyes. Guilt cut into her. “I didn’t want us to leave him…but…” They all knew how James was. He would have wanted them to run instead of risk getting everyone caught.

“We’ll get him back, after we have a bigger team.” Frisk said.

Thanks to Susi’s fast driving and her knowledge of finding every little backstreet to travel through. She would get them back to the Underground in only half the time it took them to get to the hotel. “We have to get a bigger team. Help James! Klaire is gonna lose it…”

Drizzt didn’t know who they were talking about and kept quiet, blaming himself for what happened.

The woman had no idea what had happened. She was starting to feel feverish.

Piritta was quietly blaming herself. She should have been the last into the car, she was the strongest and most likely to handle being shot.

Frisk was hoping James could be rescued, that she had not just seen him be fatally shot.

“Uhm…doctor lady…she’s developing a fever, I think.” Drizzt said as he touched the woman’s forehead.

Susi parked and got out, rushing off to find Delilah.

Alex pulled out a foldable stretcher “get her on here Drizzt”

The woman flinched.

“I know, that’s why I wanted to get her here right away.” Frisk jumped out of the van and to her annoyance Piritta grabbed one end of the stretcher. Couldn’t the Finn pretend to be injured sometimes?

“Who’s going to tell Klaire?” Alex asked.

Drizzt was very gentle with the woman as he got her onto the stretcher. “That guy…Razor…he….” He was obviously more afraid of Razor than he was of Clonestone. “Who’s Klaire?”
“A short but deadly Dog girl” Alex explained “and James is her mate.”

“I was the leader of this expedition so I should tell her.” Frisk said, secretly hoping someone would volunteer.

“Shit…” Drizzt felt even worse now, but he was not about to volunteer telling this Klaire about what happened.

Susi would return with Delilah. “I’ll tell her.” She said, frowning. If there was one thing she understood, it was having the person you love taken away. Looking at Alex for a moment, she went to find Klaire.

Alex took her hand before she left “we’ll go together” he said, noticing the look in her eye. He made a promise to always stay by her side through things and he meant it.

As Susi and Alex left, Drizzt would help Piritta with the stretcher.

Frisk looked grimly at Delilah, then followed the stretcher.

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