JP - Operation save a Watermelon

Frisk made sure that her med bag was well stocked before heading out in a van.

James would join Frisk to do this job, but made sure to keep his distance from the doctor. He was not very comfortable around her…

Alex climbed into the van with several dufflebags “so what’s the situation?”

“An undercover guy and another Canestone clone victim.” Frisk said. “The clone himself was at a nearby hotel but has probably already taken off.”

“Shit…” James sighed heavily. “Well, lets help these two and get them here so they don’t risk running into that dick.”

Susi hopped in after Alex, her sword in hand. “Yes! I want to help! But…if we run into Canestone, can I cut him into little pieces?!”

“Yes, if we get a chance to kill him that would be great.” Frisk said as they headed towards the location. “The priority is saving the victim and undercover guy- he might have useful information.”

Alex smiled and wrapped his arm around her “remember we watch each other's back.”

Piritta can be seen Terminator running after the van with a birch handled knife in one hand, a thermos of coffee in her other hand. She still wore only boots and underwear.

“Holy shit!” Frisk slammed on the brakes.

Susi yelped loudly and blinked. "Piritta!!!! Get in! We're gonna help people and hopefully kill a clone!"

James gripped onto his seat, looking a bit afraid. "This woman is far more frightening than anyone I've ever met…" He muttered.

"Imagine if she was a stalker" Alex whispered to your pyro.

Piritta jumped into the van. “Joo, I wanna kill a sick fucker! I saw that Min Chang video… fuck that guy.”

Once Piritta was in, Frisk resumed driving.

“Alex…Shut up, please.” James muttered, suddenly having horrible thoughts and a new fear. There were going to be fresh nightmares for the pyro to face tonight…

Susi looked at Piritta. “Yay! Partner in crime to kick ass!”

Alex chuckled at James before snaking his arms around Susi " get your own hot wolf wife" he teased.

“Can’t handle competition, Alex?” Piritta teased and guzzled down her coffee in one long gulp.

"I can handle the competition easily"he Chuckled "I doubt you could handle Susi." Reaching up Alex gently scratched his wife's ears.

“Driving-” Frisk reminded the pair.

Susi’s ears twitched and she smiled as she looked over her sword to make sure it was in pristine condition.

James was just silent for a long time. He had Klaire - didn’t need anyone else. He just felt he was creating a rift between Klaire and Tzeitel and hated himself for it. Sadly, he couldn’t change how he felt about the dog eared woman.

“How long until we arrive?” Susi asked.

Alex looked over and noticed James expression. Reaching over he placed a hand on his shoulder. "Never got a chance to thank you by the way if it wasn't for you, Cody, and Megan I don't think I would have saw the day I could hold my wife again."

“You don’t need to thank me,” James said, looking at Alex. “I didn’t do much aside from burn a building down.”

"You and the others talk to me when I was clearly hurting and shutting everyone out" Alex replied.

“I…I guess.” James shrugged. He still felt like he hadn’t done much. “Though, the same can’t be said about Tzeitel. No matter how kind or helpful I am, all she does is express her hate for me. It’s starting to really upset Klaire…”

Alex nodded "I've been noticed saying that as well it was already bad enough when she was freaking out about her uncle now that CaneStone is back again she's gotten worse. She’s lashing out at everyone but more especially you. I understand time dilation memories are messing with her head hell I've had plenty of those myself I'm still able to separate different realities. I know Riley's been worried about it as well. He's worried it's going to break the group up."

“Between you and I, Klaire has been talking about leaving with the kids. She wants me to come along…I told her that she should just think about it for a while. We don’t need to rush into anything.” James explained. “Honestly, I have no memory of what Tzeitel keeps accusing me of. I remember having to deal with guards that were rapists. I kept them from harassing her and Klaire and most of the women that I could…but those they got to, I was blamed because I had the shortest temper and have a lot of strength…I only look like a bad guy. It doesn’t mean I am.”

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