JP- New partner

It took a lot of work and very thick skin, but Clonestone finally freed himself. He pulled his clothes on and left his room. He had a feeling that Drizzt was not going to be back. He got his phone and after looking at porn for a while he called Thrane.

Thrane answered after letting it ring about four times. “Yes, Canestone?” He inquired monotonously.

“I think that cranky gay virgin you stuck me with has defected.” Clonestone said. “He left in a huff shouting about being undercover.”

“Is that all?” Thrane asked.

“I’m going to need a new car, and a partner who isn’t an asshole or a traitor to MegaCorp.” Clonestone said.

“I suppose I can send someone else that’s more…trustworthy.” Thrane tapped a button on his desk. “You’ll have to wait a few hours, so stay at your current location.”

“I think this location is compromised.” Clonestone said.

“Then get to a new location and call me from there so I know where you are.” Thrane ordered and hung up.

“Hmph.” Clonestone changed his skin to very pale and made his hair blond. He walked away from the motel and kept on walking.

Wherever Clonestone ended up and called Thrane from, he would eventually have a new car and a new partner.

“Do you like getting laid?” Was Clonestone’s first question of his new partner.

Razor, the new partner, just stared at Clonestone and shrugged as he loaded his shotgun. “What’s it matter?” He asked. “We have to get that pyro guy and some pheromone chick, right?”

“Yeah, and I’m going to fuck them both after we catch them. Is that going to be a problem?” Cloenstoen asked.

“I really don’t care,” Razor said and started the car they had. “Where are we going, by the way? I need a location…”

“Uh…” Clonestone thought for a moment. He looked at his phone because he was about to look at porn but saw that he had a new text. He opened it and read it to Razor.

“Thanks,” Razor said and drove them in that direction, which was sadly exactly where Drizzt and the woman were. They would, hopefully, be able to catch at least one target…

Clonestone was too busy… to notice where they were right away.

Razor didn't even pay attention to Clonestone as they arrived at the location and parked. They would need to wait in the car for a while anyway, so he grabbed his bag from the backseat and looked through it. Pulling out some boxes of bullets and what looked to be an old journal, he started to prepare.

Once the guns were ready, he looked through the journal. It was filled with names, dates and other information. The most disturbing thing was he wrote how they were cooked…

Clonestone was disappointed to not find tissues in the glovebox. He reached to tear a piece of paper from the journal, not paying attention to what was written.

When Razor saw him reach for the journal, he slammed his fist right into Clonestone’s face. “DON’T EVER TOUCH THIS!” He snapped loudly. “We’ll pick you up whatever the fuck you want, but you touch this and I’ll cook you for dinner!” The strange rumors around Razor were that his choices in food and victims were…odd.

“Ouch- dammit.” This windshield was going to need windex too, and the dashboard… Maybe one should just burn the car. “Why is everyone punching me in the face?” Clonestone complained.

“Did you not hear what I fucking said?” Razor retorted and shoved the journal into a pocket of his jacket. “Shithead…”

“I heard you, it was my nose not my fucking ears..” Clonestone whined, fixing his pants.

Razor just gave him a nasty look and set the shotgun on his lap as they waited. He would nibble on some kind of meat from a little cooler he had between the seats, but did not offer any to Clonestone. “You addicted to sex or something?” He asked.

“No, I just happen to be really good at fucking.” Clonestone said.

“Yeah, sure, whatever.” Razor yawned and shook his head before looking toward the motel. “This place looks like shit…”

“Probably not a bad place to fuck.” Clonestone was already looking for local prostitutes on his phone.

“No wonder you never get the job done. You’re too busy being a whore.” Razor commented as he tapped a finger on the side of his shotgun. “If you’re going to be like this, I’ll do the job alone.”

“I have a healthy drive.” Clonestone said. “I’ll be ready when Tzeitel is here.”

“I only got information that James would show up here…” Razor replied. “We’re to take him back to Thrane without hesitation. You failed to bring him back last time, so we’re going to tranquilize him and drag him back. Got it?”

“Yeah, I’ll fuck him after he’s tranqed.” Clonestone agreed.

“You are no longer allowed to touch him.” Razor said, grabbing a folder and shoving it into Clonestone’s hands. “You are assigned to help capture, but nothing more. Thrane is very angry with you.”

“What the hell, why?” Clonestone asked. “Why isn’t he angry at the asshole that defected?”

“Oh, he’s furious with that guy…” Razor said as he loaded a shell into the shotgun by pumping it calmly. “I’m killing him.” He grinned for once, something that looked rather sadistic.

“Killing him? That’s too quick and easy.” Clonestone said. “That asshole wouldn’t even let me jerk off, he stole my last slut from me.”

“Then you deal with him. I’m dealing with James…” Razor said, though his gut was telling him this would not go how they wanted. “We need to see if we can find out where Tzeitel is.”

“The dog-eared lesbian with the nice firm tits should be with James. If you catch her Tzeitel will come after her. Or if we can get her sister… fucking James destroyed that perfect plan.” Clonestone said, still wanting to get revenge on James.

“We’ll see when we find them.” Razor said and went back to waiting.

Clonestone was getting bored. He found a prostitute on his phone and contacted her.

That was when Razor saw the vehicle, seeing James inside it. “Hang up and come on, fool.” He seethed at Clonestone. “We have work.”

“Damn- okay.” Clonestone hung up. “I better get laid.”

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