JP - A Familiar Look

Delilah gave Frisk a nod and once they got the woman to a room, she pulled Drizzt aside to speak to him about everything that happened. Since he knew about this Razor, she wanted all the information she could get. She even sent Mark a message that she needed him to come over to where she was. They had a manhunt to start.

Mark arrived in the room with Riley and Klaire in tow.

Tzeitel burst into the room. “Klaire! Are you okay?”

Klaire looked at Tzeitel, ears down and shook her head. She was at the point where all she wanted to do was break down, but she refused to let that happen. On their way to the room, she had stopped and picked up all of her weapons, including the old sniper rifle that V had gotten for her a month before all hell broke loose in the village.

Riley placed his hand on her shoulder “we’ll find him.”

Tzeitel threw her arms around Klaire in a hug. She did not like James, no matter how many times she told herself that he never did what she remembered she never felt comfortable around him. But she knew how Klaire felt about him and Tzeitel cared about Klaire.

“Tzeitel you sure you want to do this? Thrane already got what he wanted from me with James captured you’re the only target left” Riley looking away for the moment as memories of Coral flashed through his mind. He just hoped Tzeitel and Klaire didn’t piece together what happened.

“Klaire’s my best friend. I’m gonna-” Tzeitel frowned when she noticed how Riley looked away and tilted her head slightly. “I’m gonna do this.”

Riley nodded and moved to the corner of the room to listen in on the meeting and clear his thoughts.

Klaire watched Riley step aside as she hugged Tzeitel back. She knew that look of shame all too well. It had been a face Tzeitel wore years ago, a look she herself had worn for years at MegaCorp when soldiers would get into her room.

"Riley…" She whispered just before the meeting began. They had even brought Nero in, who looked sleepy, but was here nonetheless. He had what looked like an old teddy bear in one hand. It was ragged with a missing arm and an eye, but it was definitely the one he used to have at the village. The thing had always sat on a shelf, but now it was back where it belonged.

Riley tried to focus on the meeting as best as he could. Talking with River had relieved some stress but he couldn't shake Coral from his mind. He could still hear her cruel laugh and feel her cutting into his flesh.

Tzeitel did not want to believe what she was seeing in Riley’s face and his posture, she was seeing so much of herself in him. But Klaire whispering his name erased any doubts about what was wrong with him. She had a hard time focusing on anything else.

Piritta turned up with a couple bandaids on her body and eating from a large plate of joulutorttu. “So how are we getting James back?”

“That’s why we’re having this meeting,” Delilah said. “Anyone want to pitch ideas? This is a facility that most likely Thrane is at.”

Esther stepped in and walked up to Riley, grabbing his hand like a daughter would and squeezing it. Giving him a soft smile, she whispered to him. “I’m here for you, papa.”

Riley smiled and squeezed her hand back, the memories vanishing for the time being. "Our best bet is to blitz them before they can build up their defenses."

“This is Thrane we’re talking about, Riley.” Delilah reminded him calmly. “That means he is most likely already prepared for whatever is coming. It doesn’t help that his power is so…strange and powerful. I’m almost afraid Mark might not even be able to counteract him.”

"Then what should we do then?" Riley asked in an irritated tone.

Esther squeezed his hand. “It’s not her fault, Papa…” She whispered.

Delilah was pacing, trying to figure that out. “There are a few things…we could send our strongest hitters, but…” She stopped to mutter these things, but returned to pacing. It was rare that the woman was stumped. The biggest issue was Thrane…

Riley sighed "I know I just…" he whispered unable to explain it "I can’t clear my mind I still hear and feel her."

“She can’t hurt you ever again, Papa,” Esther pulled him into a hug and listened as people tossed suggestions back and forth. What could they do to deal with Thrane if he was there?

“I could shoot him in the head before we get close.” Klaire said suddenly.

"We can't beat him but we could run the clock until we can get James out of there" Mark suggested.

Klaire crossed her arms. She knew shooting in the head wouldn’t work. He’d stop it before it even hit him, but she’d be able to distract the bastard.

"Take the shot anyways" Riley whispered loud enough for her to hear "we might get lucky and blow his fucking brains out."

“Any other suggestions?” Delilah asked.

"I don't know." Tzeitel was distracted and not being very helpful. "Last time I tried using my powers around him he just held them to me with a shield… it was before I had figured out the oil though."

“Maybe we can figure something out with that…” Delilah said. “What about those bottles of your pheromones that you gave Colt?” She had learned about them from Abraham, who was head off to the safehouse, so he could not join them at the moment.

Riley chose to step out of the room to get some fresh air and calm his nerves. Stepping in a quiet hallway he closed his eyes as he tried to slow down his breathing.

Klaire blinked and followed Riley. Her steps were quiet because she had yet to pull her shoes on, so when he stopped, she gently touched his arm. “Riley?” She asked.

“I-” Tzeitel watched Riley leave, and then Klaire. “I can make more vials, they- they can take time… Excuse me.” Tzeitel slipped out of the room.

< Prev : JP - We need Colt! Next > : JP - What happened to Riley