JP - Travel Size Klaire

Riven was catching up to Tzeitel and narrowed his eyes as saw something in the distance. “Tzeitel! Truck!” He yelled, praying she would hear him.

Tzeitel did not hear Riven, but she saw the truck and recognized the driver. She turned her wheel so her car blocked the truck.

Of course Clonestone did not stop or even slow and hit Tzeitel's car broadside.

Tzeitel swore into her airbag as her car was pushed along by the larger vehicle.

“Tzeitel!” Riven yelled and hopped off the motorcycle, letting it tumble away as he quickly formed spikes of ice that cut into the tires of the truck and even lifted it up a bit. “Shitshitshit!” Landing, he formed more ice around the truck to keep it from being moved. “Tzeitel, are you okay?!”

Tzeitel was running on adrenaline as she pushed her door open and got out of the car. Windshield glass was tinkling as it rained off her and onto the road. "Canestone!"

Since he could not move the truck, Clonestone slipped out the back window into the truck bed. He looked at his captives and decided that Klaire was more travel sized than James. He scooped the dog woman up on his shoulder and jumped out of the back of the truck. He hit the ground running.

“Damn it!” Riven snarled and stomped a foot down so ice would shoot along the road and hopefully make Clonestone trip. He wanted to shoot shards at the man, but was too afraid to hit Klaire. One of his hands went to the pendant around his neck.

Cody skid the car to a stop a bit aways and was grabbing guns when he saw Clonestone on the run with Klaire. “HEY!” He yelled. “Let her go!”

Clonestone spun a triple axle on the ice and landed on the wood line with Klaire still on his shoulder. "Back off or I'll kill this lesbian even if she does have nice firm tits!"

Tzeitel was not going to let that nightmare take off with her best friend so she was forcing her way through the wreckage and ice.

Riven forced the ice away for Tzeitel and growled in a deep and low tone. “You hurt her and you’re dead…” He warned, jerking the pendent off and making the needle shoot out so he could use it if need be.

Klaire moaned softly, already starting to wake up.

Cody loaded the gun in his hand and took aim, but did not shoot for fear of hitting Klaire.

"Why do idiots shoot at me?" Clonestone asked, his skin hard enough to deflect bullets. "They just bounce off, you're more likely to hit this lesbian." He said as he backed into the trees. He could hear Klaire moaning and starting to move a little which was exciting but this was not a good time. All that remained of his clothes was his belt and the collar fobs hooked on them. He did not know which one was on Klaire and which was on James so he hit the button to shock the wearer on both fobs. "Leave me alone or I'll hurt her more."

Cody froze, staring as he heard Klaire scream in pain and saw her grab at the collar.

Riven glanced to Tzeitel, moving the needle toward his own neck.

James, still in the truck, yelled in pain, waking up faster than he ever had in years.

Mark started walking towards Canestone "That's going to be a mistake I would not recommend considering you now have to face me."

"You know what else that collar can do, right?" Clonestone pressed the buttons to shock Klaire and James again, but the collar was capable of worse. He took another step towards the woods.

Tzeitel was barely aware of what Riven was doing, so focused on Clonestone and Klaire. She knew Canestone was capable of more cruelty than what the collars could do. She kept edging closer. "Let Klaire go you sick twisted fucker."

Mark smirked before pulling out a small device and pressing a button "of course I know what they can do I design them and funny thing do you know how easy it is to block their signal from the remote? Almost as easy as my powers which can neutralize metabilities."

Delilah walked up next to Riven and lowered his hand as she tossed a gun to Tzeitel. It was one of Abraham’s specialized tranquilizers. “Get him.” She said.

Despite the pain, the moment Mark’s power activated, Klaire twisted and slammed her knee right into Clonestone’s face.

Tzeitel aimed at Clonestone, but of course the concern was still hitting Klaire.

Clonestone swore as his nose exploded in blood. He threw Klaire down into the road as hard as he could, spun and ran into the woods.

Frisk was catching up, but her phone started ringing.

Klaire yelped, hearing something snap as she hit the ground.

Cody took a few shots at Clonestone as he ran into the woods. “COWARD!” He yelled.

Delilah gasped and rushed over to Klaire while Abraham went to the ruined truck and found James.

"You alright?" Mark asked Delilah as he took off his jacket and offered it to Klaire.

Tzeitel wanted to go after Clonestone, tranq him, kill him. But she could not just leave her best friend lying in the road, hurt and not seeing her. "Klaire?" Tzeitel knelt next to her, gingerly touching the collar, then getting to work on the other restraints on her wrists and ankles. Her hands shook. The special tranq gun lay on the ground beside her.

Frisk got down next to Klaire, immediately checking her for injuries. She yanked her ringing phone from her pocket and tossed it aside. "Can someone see if that's anything important? I'm fucking busy here."

Abraham stepped out of the truck with a very disoriented James and looked at Mark. “Do you have a spare pair of pants?” He inquired for the pyro before picking up Frisk’s phone and answering it. “Yes?”

Klaire flinched when anyone touched her left arm, which was obviously broken.

Tzeitel was fortunate to not notice James, or the fact that he was naked as she helped Frisk set Klaire's broken arm. "What'd that sick twisted fucker do to you, Klaire?" Tzeitel asked, more than a little teary eyed.

Mark nodded heading to the truck and returning with some clothes for James and Klaire.

Klaire breathed through gritted teeth as she let Frisk and Tzeitel fix her arm. “Shot us…with tranqs and…I just remember waking up out here on his shoulder. I…I need a bath after being touched by him.” She felt disgusting.

James was thankful for the clothes when Mark brought them and slipped them on. “Any chance we can get these off?” He asked, pointing to the collars on himself and Klaire. “Especially for her…”

< Prev : JP - Annie has the strangest Power Next > : JP - Clonestone wants James and Tzeitel