JP - Winning over Nero

“We can rest for tonight, at least.” Elizabeth said and happily went to bed.

Min got to sleep. Of course, her dreams were plagued with that monster hurting her.

Any time Min seemed as if she were about to thrash or freak out in her sleep, Elizabeth would reach over and rub her arm gently to sooth her. “It’s okay…he can’t hurt you anymore.” She promised.

It is unsurprising that Min got very little sleep that night.

Elizabeth did not mind that she got little sleep. All she wanted to do was help Min, who had given her a purpose in life.

Cook, however, had passed out in his chair, snoring rather loudly.

Min got out of bed and walked around a little. She still hurt, but it was bearable now.

Cook suddenly fell out of his chair. “OW!” Groaning, he sat up and blinked. “What I miss?”

Elizabeth snickered at Cook.

“I don’t think anything happened…” Min said, sitting down.

“Aside from you falling out of your chair,” Elizabeth giggled.

Cook groaned and just stayed on the floor. “I’ll just, you know, stay here. I’m still tired.”

Min was still tired too, but did not feel like sleeping. Not after those nightmares.

Cook looked up at Min. “What’s wrong?”

Min shrugged awkwardly, blushing. “I didn’t sleep well.” She admitted, not wanting to explain the nightmares.

Getting up, Cook brushed himself off. “Nightmares again?” He asked with worry.

Min nodded, shifting uncomfortably.


Riley dodged the kick and pinned his leg “Nero, let me help you I can show the way to a life where you don’t have to be a monster where you never have to be in that dark room again.”

“How?! Dad says I’m a monster because I eat people! It’s all my body can digest!” Nero tried to pull his leg away.

“We’ll find a way whatever it takes” Riley replied “Worse case scenario there are plenty of assholes in the world so you won’t go hungry.”

Nero was just silent as the bruises on his face healed. The only things that didn’t fade were the odd scars on him that matched the ones Anastasia had from being cut into over and over again by Thrane.

Riley moved to Nero and offered him his hand “I can show you what a true family is” he spoke a kind smile on his face.

Nero just stared at his hand, very hesitant to take the hand. No one had ever been kind to him like this. So, after a moment, he finally took Riley’s hand.

Riley smiled and helped Nero to his feet “Come on let’s get you cleaned up.”

"Okay…" Nero had a sense of confusion as he followed Riley, not quite sure how to feel yet. They would find Esther standing close by, waiting for them.

Riley gave her a smile "Nero this is my daughter Esther."

“Es…ther?” Nero raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, Esther,” She replied and looked over the teenager as his body healed itself. “Papa, why does he have the same scarring as Anastasia?”

"Thrane's experiments" Riley replied "definitely not as skilled as Loreen."

“Thrane intentionally leaves behind scars from my understanding…” Esther said as she took their hands and they all appeared in the room with the still slumbering Anastasia.

“Dad says the scars are a sign I belong to him.” Nero explained.

"Of course he would because he sees you as his attack dog" Riley sighed checking over Anastasia.

Anastasia only made a noise in her sleep, tears running down her face.

“Why is she crying?” Nero asked.

“She’s possibly having a nightmare.” Esther informed and settled a hand upon Anastasia’s head. The other woman instantly seemed to calm down and slumber more peacefully.

"Canestone raped her" Riley replied guilt in his voice as he sat on the bed.

“That idiot who can’t do a job right?” Nero frowned. “He always smelled gross.”

"Next time I see him will be the last time" Riley growled.

“A lot of people say that…” Nero shook his head and found a seat, plopping down in it. “They often end up dead.”

"We've had a track record of killing him before" Riley replied " plus this time he's weaker."

“I just think he’s a whiny baby…” Nero said. “I could make him explode!”

"If you get the chance do it" Riley replied "I won't rest until he's dead."

< Prev : JP - More scans of a Bullet Next > : JP - Leaving the Hellscape