JP- Learn to knock

Lola soon went to a room and grabbed a change of clothes before going to get a shower.

Caneclone went to his room. He got undressed and on the bed. He stared at the ceiling.

It took Lola a while to get done with the shower because washing hair that kept getting tangled around ram horns was literal hell. By the time she got out, the water was freezing and she had to stand there in the bathroom, moving and rubbing at her shoulders and arms with the towel. She really should have gotten her hair cut short again.

Caneclone had to use the bathroom. He walked over to the bathroom and opened the door. He gawked for a moment. “Sorry.” He said, turning around.

Lola’s mouth opened in a scream, but no sound came out and she bolted by Caneclone, disappearing down the hall to her room. She had gone so fast there was a dust outline left behind of her.

Since the bathroom was empty Caneclone went inside.

Getting dry and dressed, Lola went out into the hall with her notepad, hoping to speak with Caneclone about that little mishap. She hoped he wouldn’t tell Fang she’d been so dramatic.

A few minutes later Caneclone came out of the bathroom.

Lola held up her notepad to him. ‘I’m sorry I behaved that way. Please don’t tell Fang I was so overly dramatic.’

“It’s okay, I probably should have knocked first. I won’t tell him.” Caneclone said.

Lola nodded in thanks and offered Caneclone a smile before heading back to her room.

Caneclone went back to his room and staring at the ceiling.

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