JP - Sleep

Riley was in a deep sleep due to the oils. Once he was placed in the bed he grabbed the nearest thing an held onto it as he slept.

That nearest thing was poor Anastasia, who blinked.

“She’s never gonna get free,” River said.

“I’d feel bad but better you than me.” Esther said.

Riley proceeded to pull her close and nuzzle against her.

Anastasia grimaced, but did not struggle. She didn’t want to wake him.

River smirked and got pictures of them. “Soooooo cute.”

“Anastasia” Riley whispered in his sleep his voice sounding guilty and sad.

Esther merely touched his head again to calm him while Anastasia frowned. “Not your fault…”

Riley’s dreams calmed down and he was able to rest but unfortunately or fortunately Riley held onto her the entire time.

Anastasia would eventually relent and fall asleep. She just prayed he would let her go when she woke up…there was always the call of the wild and her bladder could only hold so much.

Riley would eventually relax enough to let her go but didn;t wake up. The stress and injuries making him feel exhausted.

Anastasia would slip away for that bathroom break and even took a shower where she spent what felt like hours scrubbing at her skin in an attempt to clean away that Canestone clone. It didn’t stop the emotional pain she still felt or the physical pain she remembered. How did anyone survive what he did to them? She finally gave up and just sat with water pouring on her until it got cold, tears falling down her face…

Riley would wake up around that time still feeling the effects of the oil. Hearing the sounds of someone crying he made his way to the shower “Anastasia?” he said entering the room.

Anastasia would look up from where she sat in the shower. “I’M NAKED!!” She screamed.

Riley would be startled from her scream and try leave but slipping on the floor and landing on his back his head hurting from the fall.

River and Esther would show up. “Riley…” The plant woman said and helped her husband to his feet. “Back to bed with you. I’ll get some berries for the pain…”

“I’ll help Anastasia.” Esther said and went to help the woman.

Riley would groggily apologize and mention Anastasia crying, his voice full of half asleep worry. It was obvious to River that Riley cared about the woman deeply and wanted to help her.

“You need to heal first, Riley…you can’t help anyone if you don’t take care of yourself.” River said, stroking his hair gently.

“Need to help her” he murmured “suffered so much want to take away her pain.”

“I know, honey. I know…” River kept stroking his hair, just wanting Riley to rest for now.

Riley would mutter River’s and Anastasia’s name before falling back to sleep.

River would finally get the kids to bed and join Riley while Esther helped Anastasia. She would get the sweet woman to bed with Riley and River before heading to her own room to rest.

In his sleep Riley would snuggle both of them their presence soothing his mind as he felt safe.

Hopefully the next day would bring some better moments.

Riley groggily began to wake up noticing two other people in the bed with him. Opening his eyes he noticed he was spooning Anastasia and tried to move away as his face turn red.

River mumbled and nuzzled into Riley’s back. “Five more minutes…” She said in her sleep.

Anastasia felt the movement and started to sit up.

Riley looked over to Anastasia “sorry I usually sleep spooning River” he apologized covering River with a blanket.

“It’s okay…” Anastasia said. “River said it was better if you did that with me to keep me safe…or something. She wanted to be on that side to keep anyone from falling out of the bed.” She pointed to where River was sleeping at the edge of the bed. Flowers had bloomed around her as if keeping her safe.

Riley blushed he knew what his wife was trying to do. “Still I didn’t mean to pull you into an intimate sleeping position” He apologized. He didn’t know if he had gotten aroused during the night and didn’t want to put her in an awkward position after what Canestone did.

“I feel safe with you, so it’s okay. I know you won’t hurt me.” Anastasia replied. “River says you’re the most gentle man she’s met…”

Riley blushed “I believe relationships and sex should be full of love” he replied moving towards the bathroom to wash his face and try to calm down his hormones. Was that the reason why Coral continued to plague his mind? Sex with River was always lovemaking to him it was obvious that love existed between the two of them even Gelf and Nikki he had feelings towards even if it wasn’t the same level of love he had towards River. Coral though he honestly felt nothing towards her except wanting to protect his unborn child. Looking in the mirror he looked at Anastasia before blushing and washing his face. “I need to talk to River about this but something tells me she already knows.” He thought to himself.

Anastasia sat on the bed, playing with a lock of her hair as she blushed. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of chaos themselves…

River finally sat up and stretched with a yawn. "Morning," She told them both and climbed out of bed. All she had on was a tank top, a pair of panties, and her choker-collar that Riley gave her. She didn't really need it anymore, but just loved to wear it because of who gave it to her.

"Morning honey" Riley said picking her up in his arms and kissing her. He had River dressed like this countless times but he still found her beautiful every single time like it was the first. Leaning closer he whispered into her ear "umm about Anastasia…"

“Yes, what about her?” River said after returning the kiss and smiling up at him.

"You know how I can get when we spoon at night" he replied gesturing to his lower area "are you sure it was alright for me to spoon her?"

River looked perplexed. “It’s fine. She needs you right now, Riley. You’re the only person keeping Anastasia grounded and safe feeling. Try not to let it bother you too much. Besides, she’s a sweetheart.” She explained.

"But what if she wants more or gets a bit too close" he whispered "I don't want you to think I'm having an affair with her especially after Coral."

“Look, Riley, I trust you…and if things do ever develop with Anastasia, we can talk about it. Like we did with Nikki. As long as you’re honest with me, I’m happy to always be here and help you.”

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