JP - Gelf did not really want an Umbrella

“You… you didn’t really want an umbrella, did you?” Sorley murmured against Gelf’s lips. Then he heard the screaming cat. “We should check on Evie…”

Gelf giggled and nuzzled into him, tail swaying. “Fine, fine…” She giggled again and opened the door to see what Whiskers was screaming about.

Kiana pretended to not see how disheveled the two were. “Evie took a bath.” She explained.

Sorley noticed that Gelf was looking a little… he realized how he must look too and blushed.

“Ohhhhh, okay!” Gelf said with a giggle before closing herself and Sorley back into the closet. What could be up with her at the moment?

“Geeze- you're not respectfully married yet!” Kiana shook her head and walked away with the screaming cat.

Sorley blushed beet red. “Our room would be more… comfortable.”

“We’re not doing anything bad,” Gelf rolled her eyes at Kiana. “Just kissing.” She tapped his nose playfully before opening the door again. “Come on, silly.”

Sorley’s blush deepened further, but exited the closet and headed for their room.

Gelf waved at Kiana as they passed. “See? Nothing bad!” She chimed and went to Kiana. “Speaking of, how is Evie?” Her expression was serious now.

“Good, though they want to keep her for three days.” Kiana said. “We were playing cards with Riven earlier.”

Sorley listened, gently squeezing Gelf’s hand.

“The wolf guy?” Gelf raised an eyebrow. “Hm…ya think he’s sweet on Evie or something? He’s been extra nice to her, hasn’t he? Seems that way…” Despite seeming as if she didn’t pay much attention, Gelf was always keeping her ears and eyes open.

“I don’t know. He might just be being kind.” Kiana said. “He had carried Evie out of that hell.”

“Hmmm…” Gelf wasn’t convinced because of what her nose smelled when he visited Evie. “Anyway, did we bring that small bag of clothes for her? I swear we did…give her something to be more comfortable in.” She leaned on Sorley and tried to remember.

“If we brought it, it would be in the room we’re staying in.” Sorley said, his voice still husky from all the kissing.

“If we don’t I can lend her some of mine.” Kiana shrugged.

Gelf nodded. “Wanna go see if we have ‘em, Sorley?” She would let him go on his own so he could calm down a bit if he wanted.

“Sure.” Sorley said huskily, still blushing deeply. He moved down the hallways towards their room.

Kiana shook her head. “You two. Will he be like this after you’re married?”

Gelf watched him and shrugged. “It’s cute, but he does seem a bit more confident in himself lately.” She said and headed to the room with Kiana. “I’m just glad he’s only blushing. Remember when he’d faint sometimes?”

“Yeah.” Kiana chuckled. “I thought he would die in Ikea that day… Don’t tell him, but the dogs are still obsessed.”

Meanwhile, Sorley found the bag of Evie’s clothes.

Gelf rolled her eyes about the dogs. "I won't," She promised and was reminded of another. "How is Herbert, by the way? Is his memory still…?"

“Still gone. All he remembers is me.” Kiana frowned. “He doesn’t even remember the Farm. I couldn’t imagine losing so much of my memory. It’s like dying.”

Gelf looked worried. “Do you want to check on him? I can watch over Evie for now.”

“I guess.” Kiana said.

Sorley came over with the bag of Evie’s clothes.

Gelf took the bag and smiled. “You sound like you’d rather stay with Evie…”

“Evie’s so fragile right now.” Kiana said with a shrug. “Herbert… It’s unnerving to be the only thing a pig recently transformed into a human remembers.”

“It just proves you were a very important person to him, Kiana.” Gelf explained. “But I understand your discomfort. I’ll visit him.” She held out the bag to Kiana. “Maybe having us around will help jog his memory.”

Kiana accepted the bag. “Thanks, Gelf.”

Nodding and giving Kiana a hug, Gelf made her way toward Herbert’s room.

Kiana headed back to Evie's room with the bag and the screaming cat.

Sorley followed Gelf.

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