This page is for important game rules and additional information that's too long for the game description on the homepage.

Posted by : on Mar 7, 2024, 6:06am

Most people will never know of the other world that runs alongside ours. Most people never encounter the dark forces that bring pain and destruction most everywhere, and if they do, they don’t speak of it. And then there’s you. You’ve been marked. Did a monster hurt you? Your family? Your friend? Or were you chosen by a prophecy—and will you embrace it, or run? Worse, have you been touched by some infernal power, and given power of your own, power that comes with an awful price?

Whatever your reason, you’re a hunter now. So stop on by Janine’s for some hooch, some supplies, and maybe a crew. It’s dangerous to go it alone.

———Game Description———

Hello! This game loosely uses the game Monster of the Week as inspiration, at least for character classes and plotting. If you’re unfamiliar, Monster of the week draws off of material like Supernatural, Buffy, Dresden Files, and X-Files to name a few, and is a tabletop roll playing game. We will loosely be using stats as used in the game, but I won’t actually make you roll for things, it’s more of a guideline. The playbooks (which have the character classes) are free online, and I can send you links if you need it, as well as to a handy dandy spreadsheet someone made to track character sheets and info.