Enjoying Nature

The amnesiac convict was on his way at last. He had purchased a pistol to defend himself from a caravan he passed outside of Renne. It was better to be safe than sorry, he thought. He was already missing Addey too. For the first time in ages he had woken up without that trusty ghoul snoring away opposite him. He had selected his destination, he was headed north, in search of this mythical place Sherwood. He had caught the treasure hunting bug, he wanted to discover this place from the encrypted holotape for himself.

As he walked he noticed something, scurrying towards him from the distance. It was a mole rat, the first he had seen that wanted to pick a fight. Syd held the pistol with both hands and fired continuously towards the mole rat.

A bullet caught it directly above it's right eye, knocking the creature down. 'I got lucky' Syd thought. He knew he didn't have much talent with weaponry, most fights he'd rather rely on his fists. But out here there's some fights you can only take from a distance.

He took a few steps forward and stood over the mole rat's corpse. The thing had ridiculously sharp teeth, all Syd could think about was what if that had pierced his arm. Drawing the blood from his flesh. The thought made him quiver with discomfort. "Disgusting," he commented as he bit his bottom lip.

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