Special Items By Request

Joint post with Kronos

Alessandra strutted her way to the mayor's office, this dress showed more than usually liked to show. She could feel the eyes of everyone she passed on her. She liked it a lot. Before when she was Steven no one really paid attention to him, unless it was fear but that was usually during a raid. Outside of raids he was generally ignored. The attention was putting a spring in her step.

She arrived at the mayor's office and knocked. She then posed for him. She looked into her purse she had brought the item he wanted, and she wasn't looking forward to him using them on her. They looked like they would hurt a lot but he was willing to pay extra. As soon as he opened the door, she walked up and kissed him on the cheek. "I know I am early but I need to leave town for a while, but that is a subject for after. I got the item you specially requested."

"Excellent, well then, don't be afraid! Hand them over!" The mayor was giddy, in his own little perverse way. He wasn't the representation of Renne that the place deserved. It was a mystery to him how he even got to this position.

Alessandra pushed him inside making sure to touch him more than necessary and roaming her hands over his body. "You know the rules caps up front." She played with the neckline of her dress carefully as not the mess up the delicate lacey material. Though she had a feeling this dress was going to end up ruined anyway, which is why she brought an extra set of clothes in her purse.

The mayor went to the table at his bedside, pulling open the drawer and grabbing an assortment of caps. Placing them before Alessandra. "Now if we can get on with this I have some matters I need to address later on..."

Alessandra took the caps and put them in her purse. While she was in the purse she got the item he requested and handed them over.

An hour later she laid in the mayor's bed covered only in a sheet. She was right that item was not only painful but extremely uncomfortable. She was also right about the dress it was ruined. She stood up wrapping the sheet around herself. "I mentioned I had to leave town earlier. I wanted to talk to you about that. As you are no doubt aware Willamette came aknocking and they demanded free access to Renne to look for escaped prisoners. I got no problem with them taking their prisoners back, but their terms were completely unacceptable for anyone in Renne to agree to. The queen bitch in charge all but threatened war. Renne as you are well aware of doesn't have the manpower or firepower to fight Willamette by ourselves. I have some...let's call them former associates that can be bought for the right amount of caps. I'd like for you to give me the authority to negotiate with them on your behalf. They won't come cheap but I can get them cheaper with the right incentives. I just need to know if you are willing to give me the authority and the max you are willing to pay."

"Who are they? These friends of yours?" the mayor asked, he was washing himself down with a towel whilst looking in the mirror. "How can I be sure they won't screw us over in someway?"

"I'll be honest they are raiders. As far as screwing Renne over, I got enough dirt on them that if I was to use it they would turn on each other so fast that by the time they got done killing each other, your worst guard could handle the survivors. Two more stipulations that I would insist upon. 1. they would not be allowed in the city. 2. Jazz and I will have to be with them and we will be giving the orders. Otherwise, they get nothing. While Willamette is focusted on the city these raiders would attack them from behind. Willamette would be fighting a war on two fronts. I also suggest hiring the Jophiel PMC, I have heard nothing but good things about them. I haven't been able to make any inroads with their leader, he has a girlfriend from what I hear."

"Multiple people don't appreciate my charms." Alessandra dropped the sheet. "As you wish. Jazz & I will leave if we fail." She put on her backup clothes. Alessandra left for her home after taking the caps the mayor offered to hire the raiders.

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