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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Cyd Skye

View character profile for: Mathias Skye
Skye Life - While You Were Away (Part 1)
It was … actually Mathias didn’t care what time it was the sun was up and even though he could definitely sleep more someone needed to keep the mess chaos at bay chaos. Getting out of bed was a lot hard then he though it would be. Now that he has slept all the acher where deep and the bruises more tender. Right now he could barely see out of the one eye. Feeling like a hundred years old at the moment he shuffled to the kitchen to check the freezer, hopefully the ice was still in a semi solid state. He didn’t have it in him to make it on the fly, that would just be asking to much right now.
Cyd danced on her toes, her light up sneakers flashing even in the daylight as she spun in a circle stepping off the subway. She danced to a rhythm playing in her headphones, a sixteen beat track Olin burned for her, and like Olin himself, it was intense, sexy and h-o-t hot. It took her twice as long to take the stairs to the apartment, because the song had her going up two stairs and down one to keep along with the beat. “Home,” she said in a sing song voice, opening the door.
Matthias had been slow moving, there wasn’t much ice left but he was ten minutes on ten minutes off while he had move at the neck breaking speed of a turtle from one chore to the next. He was dove taling in the kitchen, dished where over due and the smell if the Jay he was smoking, less to dull the pain and more make him care less about it, drifted through the apartment. “Hey, welcome home. Just finishing dishes …” He said from the kitchen tring to hold ina cough. “... so … um … just so your not shocked … uh … some stuff may have gone down really late … or early …” Mathias said from the kitchen and he dried the last dish. “ … let's just say, could I con you into getting more ice for me?”
“He got jumped,” Serena reported, pointing at Mathias.
Cyd placed her keys on the shelf, giving Serena a confused look, before looking at Mathias. “You got jumped?” She said, rushing into the kitchen.
“I’ll get ice,” Serena offered helpfully.
“I’m fine Cyd! Really, this kinda thing happens. Just another bad day in the Sprawl …” Mathias quickly added as Cyd rushed into the kitchen.
“Bad day? Dammit, Mathias…” She swore, going to retrieve the first aid kit from the bathroom.
“It’s not that bad …” Mathias called back with a shallow sigh.
“Everytime I decide to stay out,” Cyd muttered under her breath, dropping the tackle box first aid kit on the counter, while she pulled out a chair from the table. “Sit.” She told him.
“Cyd seriously. I’m fine, patch myself up, got some sleep and all is honky dory.” He said sitting down to be inspected. Mathias took a long draw of his Jay. “Dunno what you so grumpy about.”
Cyd put her hand under his chin, and rocked his head, side to side to survey the damage. “You really should have butterflied that,” she said, nodding to the cut above his eyelid, ignoring his protests. “What else did they do, she asked, pulling the neck of his shirt to examine for cuts and bruises.
“Cracked a rib, sprained wrist, first and second degree burns on my arm.” Mathias stated. “I need a new sleeve on my jacket.”
“That thing should be put out to pasture, hung in a museum or something,” she said, taking out the burn cream. “Let me see your arms.”
“That thing helps pay the bills around here. It’s iconic.” Mathias snorted holding out his already bandaged arm. “Just the one arm got crispy.”
“And you’re taking an antibiotic?” She asked, peering beneath the bandage.
Mathias snorted. “Hell no, that shit ain’t cheap.”
“Neither is sepsis,” She reminded him. “You got biotics for the hobo - you get them for yourself, or I swear, I’ll go to a pharmacy and pay retail.”
“That's dangerously close to blackmail. Fine. I’ll check the corners of Issac's closet for moldy bread.” Mathias chuckled.