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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Vas

View character profile for: Cyd Skye

View character profile for: Mathias Skye
Skye Life: The Ballad of Trashcat Part 2
Mathias, still icing up his side and definitely medicated was … less than pleased as he gave Cyd a look. Sure he was a sucker when it came to Serena but this was kinda pushing it even before him. It wasn’t that he hated cats specifically, he just wasn’t fond of them. Serena pulling out all the stops wasn’t helping either. Half of him wanted to relent just to make her stop because he was not feeling level-headed enough to deal with it.
Vas hung bad trying not to look guilty.
“I dunno … “Mathias hedged. “ … what if … you know … was it had fleas or bed bug … or some other awful parasite that’ll kill us in our sleep? They do that …” He said less than convincing.
“No pets,” Cyd added, firmly. “We can’t feed ourselves half the time let alone some kitten that probably has mange. He looks mangy. If you get mange so help me…” she threatened.
“Member when I near got kidnapped?” Serena asked, though it happened just minutes ago. “It was traumatic. This… this is a service kitten.” She looked pointedly at Cyd, “And I can’t live without it.”
Mathias gave a skeptical look. “Awful. Parasites. It could be riddled with them. I refuse to wake up with ringworm. Or mange. Which is still a parasite. Plus no one in this house knows how to take care of a cat much less a kitten, we can barely raise you and Issac.”
Trashcat snuggled in Serena's arms.
“He needs me.” Serena tried. “Like I needed Vas, an’ then like I needed Mathias, an’ it’s the universe tellin’ me to pay it forward. You don’t want me to piss off the universe, do you?” She asked Mathias. “Sides, Vas said you could get medication that would fix ‘em right up, right Trashcat?”
Mathias gave a withering look to Vas.
“I just suggested! I swear!” Vas said innocently. “You know … Small … little … gremlin thing. Technically if she's busy taking care of that little horror it's less time spent getting herself kidnapped.”
The Alchemist gave the Punk and flat look. “You pay for it food, you clean up after it, you pay the bills if it gets sick and you do the laundry from now because it looks like that thing is gonna shead enough to knit a sweater … and I swear the second I smell that gross … ammonia smell that's not the smell of a disinfected kitchen …” Mathias listed looking to Cyd for either the veto or more conditions.
“And you’ll sweep up,” she added, “every night. He can be an outdoor cat, there’s a park across the street, big sandbox.”
“Gross.” Vas said making a face.
“Would you rather buy and change kitty litter, and hope that it doesn’t smell like cat piss?” Cyd asked, crossing her arms.
“Still gross … why do people like cats?” Vas asked.
“They don’t. They love them. C’mon, let’s go get him some food an’ a dish, an’ some flea an’ mange stuff, just in case. You want to distract or steal?”
“This is definitely where teaching you the five-finger discount is biting me in the ass.” Mathias sighed getting up to get more ice.
“Distract?” Vas said not sure it was the right answer.
“Good choice. You keep ‘em busy, I’ll get what we need.” She giggled, and scrunched up her shoulders, hugging the little furball tightly. “Welcome home, Trashcat!”