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View character profile for: Serena

View character profile for: Vas

View character profile for: Nikka
Team Teen Part 3 - It's Tricky!
Trick stopped in front of Nikka, nodding his head by way of greeting, then flitted his eyes down and slowly back up to check out the new rainbow raver.
Nikka slowed, stopping her dancing. “Hey.” She said, offering a shy smile.
“Don’t stop on my account,” Trick said, leaning close to Nikka’s ear so she could hear him.
Vas’s eyes narrow a bit watching from a distance. Maybe he would have some fun tonight after all.
Nikka traitorous ears reddened a bit. She gave a chuckle trying to play it cool. Or what she thought was cool. She gave a noncommittal shrug considering doing the look over the shoulder thing but decided while it might look good in the movies it was way less cool in real life before going back to her dance. It was a little easier but her heart was pounding knowing Trick was now watching her.
Serena looked at Vas, then at Trick, and back to Vas, swatting the taller man’s arm. “She’s just flirting,” She told the hound.
Vas frown and glaced as Nikka and Tattoo neck. “Is that the guy to lift you know what from?” He asked giving Serena a look.
Serena looked like she just swallowed a bug. “He… uh… I mean, I… “ she stalled.
Vas side eye Serena waiting patiently waiting for her to finish. “Take you time. He isn't moving anywhere quickly.” He said crossing his arms.
“He… Could.. Maybe.. Have been,” Serena finally admitted, quietly.
“Good.” Vas said looking completely vindicated.
“He’s not a bad guy, Nikka likes him,” Serena defended.
“I don't like him.” Vas stated watching the Rainbow River and Douche Tattoo flirting and considered how he would shoo the man away. “I don't understand the appeal.”
“You don’t like anyone,” Serena reminded him. “You could date Nikka you know.”
Vas balked, making a face. “Why would I do that?”
“She’s pretty, you’re cute, an’ I like you both,” Serena said, matter of fact.
“Do you … want me … to date her?” Vas asked very slowly.
“Don’t you wanna?” Serena asked. “I mean, what I want don’t matter really.”
Vas though about for a moment and shook his head. Even if it was something he was interested in Nikka was to much like Serena and that would just add a level of weird he was not prepared to handle. “I wana break his leg and toss him into the river.” Vas said dryly.
“Cause you like Nikka?” Seena pressed. “An’ you’re jealous?”
“What? Jealous? You officially have had too much sugar. What's in your craw that you think that?” Vas said, making a face.
“On account of you wanna beat up Trick.” Serena explained.
“I want to kick his ass because he's a Carbon Copy dealing asshole who needs to be taken down a peg.” Vas paused. “He can flirt with whomever he likes. Just not not you or Nikka. I am sure Mathias and Cyd would approve.” He said as if that would add weight to his argument.
“Cyd an’ Mahias ain’t here,” Serena said. “So they don’t get to approve anything. Just let her have phone, you trust Nikka, don’t you?”
”I don't know Nikka well enough to trust her. What I do know is I don't trust Neck Tat over there. So really the question should be who do I trust last and that is unequivocally Neck Tattoo.” Vas explained.
“His name is Trick,” Serena told him, like that would help.
“Rhymes with dick.” Vas snorted amused.
Serena couldn’t help but laugh. “You still sound jealous,” she decided.
“It's not jealousy. I just don't like Trick the Dick.” Vas said flatly.
“You don’t like anyone who likes me either,” Serena reminded him.
“And? What's your point?” Vas strugged. “Well I mean that is entirely true. I like Mathias and Cyd.” He pointed out.
“You gotta like them, on account of their our family,” Serena reminded him. “You like Isaac too, even if you haven’t met him.”
“I don't have to like anyone I don't want to. Cyd and Mathias earned it and I know I will like Issac because Cyd, Mathias and you like Issac.” Vas reasoned. “Dick Tattoo there … “Vas waved at the guy in the distance. “... Has no idea what he is walking into.”
“They’re just talking,” Serena snapped, harsher than she intended.
Vas frowned looking away and then down saying nothing. “You're too nice to people, too trusting.” He said his voice was small, just loud enough to hear over the din of the music.
Serena softened, he looked like a puppy that she just swatted with a newspaper for jumping up on someone. “Yeah… but if led me to you, an’ to Mathias, an’ then Cyd. If I didn’t trust anyone, I woulda got killed back… when we met.”
“I don’t remember any of it.” Vas reminded her. “All I got is you, Cyd ‘n Mathias. That's my whole world.”
“An’ Nikka, Nike, Bishop,” Serena prompted. “I’m sorry. I just wanted Nikka to be happy, but… I want you to be happy too. So go on.” She grinned up at him. “Do your looming threatening thing. I know you wanna.”