Fire Island

Mal whistled twice at the door of the apartment, once for Cain, once for Dogo. “Gear up!” He called.

Neither stopped to question but dropped whateve they where doing, padding to the armory to gear up.

“Hey were going to be on an island … maybe well get lucky and get some coconut mojitos.” Cain daydreamed as he slin on a vest.

‘Really? Malibu Sunset. Obviously.’ Dogo motioned.

“Only one way to be sure.” Cain said with a broad smile.

‘Try them all?’

“Try them all.” Cain repeated.

Mal gave each of them a dry look. “This is a run, not a rave,” he scolded as he finished gearing up.

“Awe lossen up Mal. We would never drink on the job!” Cain assured.

‘We would wait to get home and get trash so you could join us.’ Dogo said his chuckled a low scratchy rasp.

“And drink your ass under the table.” Cain laughed.

“Says the cheating bastard with the built in filtration system,” Mal said back, tousling Cain’s shaggy hair.

“That is called raw talent Mal.” Cain said proudly, his hair as messy as ever.

‘Add that to your resume see how well that flies.’ Dogo snorted, on hand tightening a strap.

“Only thing we’re going to have time to hit on the island is that lab,” Mal reminded them.

“Please, I already know you’re going to be hitting on the island girls more than the lab.” Cain teased. “Ratta tatta … Hey girl ….” Cain said in a poor impression of Mal, trying to do the thing he did with his eyebrow.

‘I think he’s got you down Mal.’ Dogo jibbed.

“Says the virgin,” Mal snorted.

‘Can’t shame me for being picky, crotch rot.’ Dogo motioned before doing his weapon check.

“Oooo someone needs an Ice Pack.” Cain tsked.

“Sorry, I blinked and missed what you finger spelled,” Mal teased in return.

Dogo motioned again but much more … explicit. ‘Did ya catch that?’

Mal chuckled and looked back down at the map.

“I missed that could you -” Cain started but ducks Dogo threw a shoe at Cain who couldn't help but laugh.

‘Back to work fool!’ Dogo shook his head.

“Yea yea yea … so …. Where we gonna land?” Cain said leaning over to look at the map.

“Right about here,” Mal said, pointing to a spot off the coast.

Dogo looked over the map. ‘Any intel on thar part of the island?’

“They have an entire resort why would anyone be out that far?” Cain pointed out.

‘To spite us.’ Dogo joked.

“Sorry, is the mission inconvenient?” Mal asked,

“Sure if you wandna take the scenic route.” Cain snorted.

‘But it’ll give you plenty of time to connected with all you plant friends.’ Dogo teased.

Cain gave Dogo a scathing look.

Mal busied himself fitting his com in his ear. “Two hours out,” he told them. “Anyone wants a last minute cat nap, now is your chance.”

Dogo was doing a coms check and waved the idea off.

Cain was alread making himself comfortable giving a thumbs up.

Mal tapped his com twice, nodding for Dogo to do the same, tap code was the only way he could really communicate should they get separated, and this being their first mission out since his run-in with that black eyed bitch, he wanted to make sure Dogo would be five by five, or as good as could be expected.

Dogo clicked his respond and gave a thumbs up, eyeing the grenades.

“No! No! Bad Dogo! Mal, do not let him take granades with him!” Cain said opening one eye.

“Grenades, yes. Grenade launcher…” Mal made an iffy gesture then chuckled.

Dogo’s shoulder slumped. ‘You can’t have grenades without the launcher.’ He reasoned. ‘What if there are island monster?”

“We sacrifice the virgin to it and move on,” Mal teased. “Good crops for the island for ten years.”

“What waste of a good virgin!” Cain said aghast.

‘So you basically sacrificing me is what your saying.’ Dogo joked.

“You [I] had[/I] opportunities," Mal tsked. Don't worry, we will think of you often,” He gave his brother a smirk and shove. "I think this will be a cake walk, just avoid the resort area, set a few explosives, GTFO, and RTB.”

‘Sounds like a plan to me.’ Dogo agreed.

“The sooner we can get back the better. Coconut mojitos.” Cain smirked.

“All you can drink,” Mal promised.

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