Summary: It doesn't matter where you go, only that you went somewhere.
Demalo Harrieta
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Group: Dagon Hunters
Game: Baldur's Gate 3: Emperor's Reign
Race/Class/Background/Fighting Style (if applicable)
Race: HumanClass: Bard
Background: Criminal
Brief History
Demalo was born into the Harrieta crime family, a minor criminal organization based out of Waterdeep. As far as anyone knew, Demalo was doomed from birth to be a delinquent and social outcast, just like all of his other siblings and immediate family. But as Demalo grew older, he found interest in books and song, stories and heroes. He wanted to be like these people, maybe even be written about, or write himself, but he knew that the code his family followed prohibited heroics. So Demalo's interest shifted to this divide. He wanted to understand the other Harriettas, what made them tick, and why they lived the way they did. Eventually, he found that they cared most about survival, and though he could respect that, he knew he aspired for more. Despite his loyalty and understanding, he soon decided he needed to see and do more, that a life of blind loyalty and cutthroat pragmatism wasn't enough for him. And then news spread of the Mind Flayer attacks, and he knew he had to act. The world was changing, and his spirit drove him to participate in that change, to participate in the world.Weapons
Stiletto daggerItems
Thieves' ToolsJournal
Books on the nature of Government
This character is not owned by anyone. You can adopt them if you become a member of this game.
Character questions
Recent Activity

Updated character profile Nov 20, 2024, 7:56pm
Mentioned in the post The New Girl Nov 17, 2024, 7:39pm
Mentioned in the post Arrival in Neverwinter Nov 14, 2024, 8:33pm
Mentioned in the post Back Up Please Nov 10, 2024, 9:40pm
Mentioned in the post Escort mission Nov 10, 2024, 9:10pm
Mentioned in the post A Penny For Your Thoughts Nov 10, 2024, 5:19pm
Mentioned in the post Against the Forces That Would Threaten Us Nov 10, 2024, 12:19am
Mentioned in the post Alarm bells ringing Nov 9, 2024, 7:54pm
Updated character profile Nov 9, 2024, 7:52pm
Updated character profile Nov 8, 2024, 4:58pm
Mentioned in the post Attack of the Frigid Sword Nov 8, 2024, 4:51pm
Updated character profile Nov 8, 2024, 3:29am