Characters in this post

View character profile for: Tav

View character profile for: Demonsbane

View character profile for: Fera Farrowwoods

View character profile for: Sir Arc

View character profile for: Luna

View character profile for: Styx

View character profile for: Shi'za
Room For Three
Posted byPosted: Nov 20, 2024, 7:56pm
Styx glared at Fera as she looked in her direction. She then replied,”Sorry toots, but this big guy is spoken for.” Arc was confused as he whispered to Styx, “What are you saying?” Styx whispered back to Arc, “Just go with it Arc. I don’t trust her and she might try to trick you since you are too nice.” Arc sighed as her argument was convincing. Then Arc asked, “Any idea how far the crash site is Tav?”
The government official didn't say. The government is worried and desperate for help, they sent their people out four days ago. I doubt it's very far. We are not prepared for a major fight with Mind Flayers after walking all day. I told them we would head out first thing tomorrow. I would suggest going to bed early. If you see any of the ones collecting supplies let them know what we are doing tomorrow. I'll be at the Driftwood Tavern. Find accommodations wherever you can. Driftwood doesn't have room for everyone on our team. I do recommend checking out the museum at Driftwood if you are into that."
Styx tapped Arc’s helmet as she said, “Let’s get a room first since it’s first come first serve. Then we can look around the town.” Arc replied, “Good thinking Styx. I can rough it out but no need to push our luck. What about you Luna?” Luna nodded as she said, “Yeah I’m coming too.”
Tav pulled Demonsbane to the side.
Demonsbane went to the north gate as instructed. Tav went to Driftwood Tavern.
Styx Saw Tav was up to something as she saw her talking to Demonsbane before it took off to the north. She had a bad feeling about that since she was very knowledgeable about mischief.
"I'll figure out what you are one way or another. You can't fool me, you are not the human you pretend to be Pretaladin." Fera turned to leave. "Size queen." Fera retorted to Styx before taking off.
Styx gave Fera a glare as headed to the inn. Once in the inn they found they had a few rooms left and poor Arc found he couldn’t get a single room and was going to have to sleep outside. Then Styx sweet talked Luna into letting him use one of the double beds in the room since Styx didn’t need the whole bed to herself. Luna told Arc her rats would attack him if he tried anything funny and Arc complied with her wishes as he thanked her. Once they paid and got their key, Luna headed to the room while Arc and Styx left to find the other part members to pass on the message. Once they finished that Styx convinced Arc to check out the museum.