Characters in this post

View character profile for: Tav

View character profile for: Demonsbane

View character profile for: Fera Farrowwoods

View character profile for: Sir Arc

View character profile for: Luna

View character profile for: Styx

View character profile for: Shi'za
Light Up My Life
Posted byPosted: Nov 23, 2024, 12:10pm
Around 4 in the morning, Demonsbane picked up movement. She stood up. Before she could investigate a scream could be heard. Demonsbane yelled to a guard. "Sound the alarm." Demonsbane lept from the wall to the ground below and ran towards the scream.
Arc was still in full armor sleeping soundly on one of the beds while Luna slept on the other bed with a few rat constructs keeping watch. Styx was peacefully sleeping next to Arcs head on the pillow. They were tired from the long day before.
Throughout Neverwinter, the alarm bells from the northern gate could be heard. Tav was awakened by the sound. She knew deep down in her bones that something would happen. She didn't know when; that was a skill that alluded her. She slept in her armor and with her prosthetics on. It was not the most comfortable or conducive for resting, but it helped get her into the fight faster. Tav made her way to the northern gate.
The alarms alerted Luna’s rat constructs to danger as they quickly alerted Luna. Luna a bit worn out but quickly got her bearings and looked around to see Arc and Styx still sleeping soundly. Luna grabbed a small metal part she had laying out and threw it at Arc’s helmet. The loud ringing noise made by his helmet woke Arc up as he instinctively pulled out a long dagger to fend off any attackers. Then as he looked around he saw Luna looking at him and pointing out the window to the sounds of the alarms. Upon grasping the situation Arc got up and grabbed his large sword that was leaning on the wall and Styx who was just waking up and still groggy. Luna sent some rat constructs to find the source of trouble as they left the inn.
Shi'za was sleeping on a roof near the northeastern wall. She made her way from the roof to the wall, and from there, she made her way to the gate. Upon arrival at the gate, she enhanced lept down and began attacking the Mind Flayers.
Shortly afterwards some rat constructs arrived to see trouble at the gate and relayed this information to Luna who passed it on to Arc and Styx as they raced to the gate.
Fera was used to long nights and no or little sleep. With talks of Mind Flayers nearby sleep was not something she could achieve even if she wanted to. She stalked the night looking for someone to prove themselves unnecessary to the world. A quarter to 4 she found herself being stalked by a man. She rounded the corner into an alley, and she surprised him when he rounded the corner. She was in the middle of draining him dry when the alarm bells went off. "Your lucky day." She tossed him aside like trash and proceeded to the northern gate.
As Arc, Luna and Styx were heading to the gate, some of the other team members on their mission caught up to them and they shared some information while running.
When Fera arrived she found Tav berating some poor soul. "You. Will. Open. That. Gate. Now." Fera stepped in and saved the poor soul. "If those are Mind Flayers keeping the gate closed will do nothing to stop them from getting inside. It will however assure you that those of us not too cowardly to fight them have a little more time to practice on the likes of you before they fly over the walls." Fera had no clue if Mind Flayers could fly, she heard it once. She also heard some other fantastical things unsafe to repeat in certain companies. "Fine!" He signaled to open the gate. Just as the gate opened they saw Demonsbane surrounded by Mind Flayers. Demonsbane was down on one knee being pummeled by the Mind Flayers. Tav and Fera opened fire with their crossbows. Tav fired as she approached. Fera eventually spider climbed up the wall. She coordinated the archers up there. "Throw torches out there or something so you can see them coming." With her darkvision she could see them. There were a dozen there already not counting the ones attacking Demonsbane. She could see movement in the trees she couldn't tell how many more were coming.
Luna heard the conversation ahead through her rat constructs and had some of them open the gate as she warned the others of what was happening. Arc began chanting and charging his magic sword with a lightning spell. Styx was holding onto Arc’s helmet as she was scanning ahead to get an estimate of the number of enemies ahead of them. Styx relayed this information to Arc and Luna so they could coordinate their attack. Luna then told an Arc to aim his lightning spell at the explosion she was going to set off by making a few of her rat constructs self destruct in the middle of several Mind-flayers. Once the gate was opened and they could see a bit better, Luna’s rat constructs attacked a dozen incoming Mind-flayers and exploded. Arc used that signal to set off his Call Lightning spell. Then a huge bolt of lightning came down from the sky and hit the dozen Mind-flayers directly to kill or wound them badly. The light from the lightning spell lit up the area to illuminate everything for all to see.