Characters in this post

View character profile for: Tav

View character profile for: Demonsbane

View character profile for: Fera Farrowwoods

View character profile for: Sir Arc

View character profile for: Luna

View character profile for: Dagon The Spelljammer NPC

View character profile for: Bobby Flayer Pilot and Cook

View character profile for: Styx

View character profile for: Frost NPC

View character profile for: Vallana

View character profile for: Shi'za

View character profile for: Carla the Cleric (NPC)

View character profile for: Shadowfang

View character profile for: Turkleton the Druid (NPC)
Test Run
Posted byPosted: Dec 5, 2024, 11:27pm
After Luna introduced everyone to Bobby Flayer. Tav ordered a small test flight she left most of their team on the ground just in case.
Only a small team was on board the Nautiloid as Luna was working with Bobby Flayer on the initial preparations for flight. Since Luna was synchronizing Bobby with the Nautiloid she noticed a few flaws in the timing of the signals in the system. After several adjustments, Luna fixed the connection to the Nautiloid and made the preparations to lift off and stabilize at one hundred feet in the air.
Demonsbane was one of the ones on the ground. Fera was trying to figure out how to work the ship's ability to zap people up from the ground that way they didn't have to land and could just zap the rest up. Vallana was still trying to decide if she wanted to follow these people around since they were going up against the squids on purpose. On the one hand squids. On the other dad and sister. On the other certain doom. On the other guaranteed doom. On the one hand, new stories mean new songs. New songs mean more money. On the other if I die I can't write the songs.
Shi'za didn't trust this Bobby Flayer thing she refused to leave it's side until she could trust it.
After seeing the others getting mixed ideas about putting their hands on the weapons or the pilot, Luna asked Arc to guard her and Bobby if needed. Arc agreed since he saw first hand how crazy the green elf looking lady was. As they ascended up Luna tweaked Bobby to make the lift much smoother. Once in the air Luna had Bobby fly in a Box pattern going to the right and then had him reverse the pattern to the left. They had a few jerks along the way but Luna fixed them as they happened and then she gave Bobby more complicated patterns to fly by and his moves became much smoother. Once the flight was a success, Luna landed and told the crew that she needed to work on the weapons systems and transport systems. So far she fixed the engine, altered the power supply, added a pilot and edited the controls. It was amazing how much she was able to do in a short time.