Characters in this post

View character profile for: Tav

View character profile for: Demonsbane

View character profile for: Fera Farrowwoods

View character profile for: Sir Arc

View character profile for: Luna

View character profile for: Dagon The Spelljammer NPC

View character profile for: Bobby Flayer Pilot and Cook

View character profile for: Styx

View character profile for: Frost NPC

View character profile for: Vallana

View character profile for: Shi'za

View character profile for: Carla the Cleric (NPC)

View character profile for: Shadowfang

View character profile for: Turkleton the Druid (NPC)
Fight Club needs rules
The fight between Demonsbane and Shi'za had been going on for over an hour. Shi'za was clearly becoming tired but refusing to give up. After two hours Tav came to check in on it. Shi'za was still going at it. Both refused to concede. Tav could see Shi'za's was barely able to stand anymore. Tav threw her Adamantine Mace into the deck between them. "I don't care why you two are fighting. It ends now!" She walked over and picked up her mace. "From now on. Anyone who wants to fight another member of the crew has to fight by standard rules and with a time limit. Shi'za go to bed. Demonsbane go somewhere. There will be no more fighting until we establish some ground rules. Anyone caught fighting will be forced off the ship, immediately." Tav went to her room grumbling about dealing with fucking children.
Fera returned the money collected minus her fee. She was the only one to make money off that fight. Quite a few protested but quickly died down when she started crushing the hand of the first person to try and take the money back by force.
The next day Tav was out on deck getting some fresh air and birding (like fishing but with birds and instead of a fishing pole it is a crossbow or bow with the bolt/arrow on a string). She wasn't having much luck. She pulled out her map and studied it. "Only a day till the next city."