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View character profile for: Oliver Green aka Green Arrow
Posted byPosted: Jan 20, 2025, 12:16pm
Oliver nodded at Lucious as he replied, "There is a lot to consider at this point. I don't want to get overwhelmed so I wish to focus on my arm first then deal with my company afterwards. Perhaps I may find some shred of wisdom down the road." Then Oliver worked with Lucious to schedule the appointments at Gotham General for his preliminary visits since the surgery was done in stages to ensure success. It was definitely not something to rush through. After that Oliver bid Lucious thanks and farewell as he took an uber to Gotham General to meet Miss Smoak for his first of many visits.
The visit to Gotham General in an uber was a long trip for Oliver. He stared out the window as he reflected on his past and all that he lost in his life. He took solace that Carrie was still alive and that Bruce managed to keep his word on his new arm before his death. A lot has changed over the years and Oliver was doing his best to keep an open mind. Once he arrived at the hospital he checked in and waited in the waiting center. As he looked around he saw other people waiting for their turn to see the doctors or were simply waiting for the patient they brought in to finish with their visit. Since he was missing an arm he gained a few odd looks from a few in the room but they kept their thoughts to themselves.
Eventually his name was called by the receptionist and Oliver got up to talk to her. Then after he signed a few documents he was escorted to the elevator so he could go to the doctor's office he was supposed to go to. After going up a few floors he walked out the elevator and down a hallway to see the direction of the rooms based on the ID plaques on the wall. After he found the correct direction to head towards he began walking. Along the way he passed up a few patients leaving the offices and gave them a polite nod.
After he entered the Doctor's office he was looking for he checked in with the receptionists and was told to take a seat and wait. As he sat there he saw a few patients waiting for their turn along with some magazines on the small tables nearby and the tv was showing a cooking show. He was bored so he watched the cooking show and oddly enough he learned how to make homemade pasta. Then he was called in to visit the nurse who took his height, weight and blood pressure before taking him to a room where she asked about his medical history. Then then told him that a surgery doctor visit plan should include: introducing his concerns and medical history, a thorough physical examination related to the potential surgery site, discussion of the surgical procedure, explanation of risks and benefits, questions about recovery, pre-operative instructions, and a plan for follow-up appointments; with a focus on understanding the procedure, potential complications, and his role in the pre and post-operative process.
After that the doctor came in and introduced herself before she ran some tests on Oliver to gauge the damage to his arm. Once she was done she then grabbed her tablet and opened up a program demo to show Oliver how the new arm would work. Since it was a dangerous device Oliver had to sign a confidentiality waiver before seeing the video.
The new arm was made of a specialized carbon fiber and attached to his nub while connected to his nervous system. After the surgery he would need to endure the rehab sessions till he could master the use of the artificial arm. Inside the arm was a built in recurve Bow that could collapse and pop out as needed. The recurve bow is a specialized carbon fiber recurve bow which greatly accommodates his unique combat style, allowing him to accurately shoot enemies from a considerable distance, or quickly and effectively fire at enemies during a close range fire fight or brawl while dodging gunfire and attacks from numerous enemies. To further aid in combat, the bow has a red laser sight to help Oliver quickly draw a line of sight when targeting enemies at close range. When pushed to hand-to-hand combat the bow is durable enough to serve as an effective melee weapon. The bow is collapsible, with breaks above and below the handle, as well as midway down the length of each limb while folding into his arm. This allows the bow to be folded into a more compact form that makes it easier to conceal, carry, store, and transport. When deployed, the bow can swiftly re-assemble in one quick motion as the limbs lock back into place.
The bow grip has an additional feature of four buttons running down the length of the bow's grip, in line with each of his fingertips, allow Oliver to request specialty arrows from his quiver without taking his mind off the battle. Oliver can also use these controls to remote trigger certain specialty arrows such as the explosive tip. Oliver's specialized arrow quiver is designed to organize and store his arrows as well as assemble and present them on demand. The quiver is typically worn on Oliver's back allowing him easy access to his arrows. By carrying the arrows in two separate bundles, side by side, the quiver retains a flat, slim profile while being worn, which keeps it from hindering Oliver's movement. Each bundle contains sixteen arrows, making a total of thirty two between the two halves. The quiver is composed of a light-weight, symmetrical outer frame that houses two separate bundles of arrows. The frame surrounds the arrow bundles at the top and bottom, with a narrow spine between, protecting the internal mechanisms while leaving the arrow shafts and arrowheads visible. The arrow shafts and arrowheads are stored separately. The arrowheads are stored in a cassette, at the base of the quiver. Oliver selects a particular payload via the remote control in his bow's grip and the quiver selects the appropriate arrowhead, and mates it to the shaft of an arrow. The arrow is then lifted up above the other arrows so that it can easily be found and drawn.
After explaining how the new arm will be connected to his bow and quiver the doctor talked to Oliver about his lifestyle and exercise routines to accommodate him. Then once they were all in agreement Oliver agreed to stay in the hospital and begin the stages of having his arm surgery. The first day included flushing out his system and putting him on IVs to aid the procedure. Day two would include the first surgery of installing the nodes to his nervous system. Then he would wait two days to recover before connecting the arm to the nodes followed by two more days of recovery. Then he would begin his physical therapy in stages. Oliver was nervous but he had to see it through till the end if he wanted to get his life back.