Characters in this post

View character profile for: Agent Orange

View character profile for: Katherine "Kate" Rebecca Kane (adoptable)

View character profile for: Abigale Krill aka Polka Dot Girl

View character profile for: Carrie Kelly aka Robin

View character profile for: Richard "Dick" John Grayson (adoptable)

View character profile for: Barbara Joan Gordon (adoptable)
League of Assassins?
Alfred was in the Batcave bringing food to Barbara when he got an alert. Barbara pulled it up on the computer. "Alfred, do you recognize this man?" Alfred looked. "Never seen him before Miss Gordon." No matter how many times she requested to be called Barbara Alfred insisted on being formal. Barbara was about to say something when she caught a glimpse of a redhead. She split the screen between the camera at the bell and an overhead one. "Everyone step in front of the camera. Before anyone is allowed inside we need to see the faces of everyone." Eventually, all three individuals stepped in front of the camera. She turned off the microphone. "Someone is trying to pull a sick joke or this is some strange plot by the League of Assassins." Barbara was hoping for the latter because that meant it was the real Carrie. She sent an emergency text to Dick and Kate to come to the manner she also specified to bring their gear but not to come in costume. "Alfred will meet you at the front door." Barbara grabbed her weapons and stuck them in a hidden compartment in her wheelchair. She also grabbed a few Batarangs. She followed Alfred to the mansion. She stayed in the sitting room while Alfred greeted them.
Kate was in her car, still at the press conference scene, avoiding the reporters. She was talking to several individuals about the dinner Orime wanted. Her father and stepmother were too busy for, as her father put it, nonsense. Barbara's father has no clue what his daughter does for real. When she got the text she put her lights on and raced to the mansion. Dick was already on the way via the network of abandoned tunnels when he got the notification. He was already driving dangerously fast, he picked up speed to get there faster.
Alfred reached the door and saw the trio waiting for them. "Miss Kelly, it's so good to see you. Please come in. Master Grayson and Miss Kane will be here shortly." His mention of Dick and Kate was as much an FYI as an implied threat. He gestured with his left hand to the sitting room where Barbara was, while his right hand remained on his gun behind his back.
"Miss Gordon Miss Kelly to see you and..." He left it open for Carrie to introduce them. Barbara considered interjecting at that moment and using a code phrase, if Carrie was a brainwashed agent of the League of Assassins she would give the all-clear regardless, so it was useless to try.