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View character profile for: Dakota Delphi/ candy

View character profile for: Lyle Silvers

View character profile for: Alex Kinsmen

View character profile for: Inessa lyubov

View character profile for: Jennifer Fitzben
Dinner with friends pt. 5
Dakota shrugged. “What is there to talk about?” She was being defensive. She knew she was and mentally she scolded her self for it. It wasn’t his fault. He was trying to take care of a friend. “We just messed around about a year ago. He’s gots problems. Drugs, drinking, girls.” She shifted in her seat, uncomfortable with what felt like less of a telling of Travis’s bad qualities and more of a confession about her poor judgment when picking partners.
“ we broke up and he but we had to keep in touch due to…reasons. He didn’t take the breakup well and just keeps acting like we are getting back together.” She didn’t look at him the whole time she spoke, keeping her eyes firmly fixed out her own window. “We aren’t. But he keeps at it. He’s nuts and dangerous and his mom’s like a judge or something so he’s never in jail long and nothing sticks to his record.” She sighed and finally looked at him “ you just really don’t wanna get drug into all this honestly.” She waited for him to say something. Maybe tell her how fucked she was or how stupid she had been to mess with a guy like Travis. Maybe he would say she was right he didn’t want to get involved and just drop her off at home.
Inessa smiles up at the waitress “oh hello um I’ll just have a water, sparkling if you have it and a slice of lime with that..” she glanced over expectedly at Alex as she finished speaking.
The restaurant was nice. Not the high end exclusive kind that her friends and family insisted on but it was clean and well lit. She smiled to her self. This felt nice. She was oddly comfortable, more than she usually was with others especially in public. Odd that she felt that way with what quite actually a total stranger.