FallFest is Coming

Greetings everyone,
I come to you today with information about our host for FallFest this year. After deliberations and discussion with those interested, we have asked 5th Fleet to host this year’s FallFest. They have accepted and appointed Nixon, their Operations Chief, as the Chair for this year’s event. It has been scheduled to take place on November 13th, 2021. SimmingHub and 5th Fleet have also discussed the potential of doing voice panels for those who are interested. We are hopeful that this year will continue the success of previous events and welcome your feedback.
As always please reach out to the host and chair if you would like to host a panel, help out in any way or if you have any questions. Last but not least mark your calendars for November 13th. We hope to see you at FallFest XI!
Website: https://fallfestonline.com