Category: Awards, Competition, Events, Roleplaying community
Tags: Board of advisors, Bravo Fleet, Obsidian Fleet, October Veritas, Squiddies, UCIP, USS Black Hawk, USS Vindicator

In June,
we asked for nominations. You responded, and
we announced 19 nominees in August. Now it’s time to reveal the three winner of this year’s
Squiddie (
officially the Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing). Choosing just three winners from 19 excellent candidates was
extremely difficult as many are deserving of a top-level award. However, that’s our job!
If you’ll recall,
Squiddies are awarded to only one person, one game, and one club each year. The prizes come in three categories (Excellence in Role Playing, Originality & Innovation, and Facilitating the Community Experience) and are awarded primary for actions during the prior calendar year. In this case, that’s 2017. Without any further ado, here are your 2018 Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Role Playing Laureates…
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