OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers

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Mary Sue: Defeating The Beast

We've had a lot of discussion here on the blog about Mary Sue and her many tentacles of slimy perfection and personality as realistic as Wayne Rooney discussing fine art over a bottle of vintage ruby port whilst listening to classical. It's a beast we all want to avoid meeting or even worse,...

What does a Mary Sue mean to you?

We've posted a few articles about Mary Sue characters in roleplaying games (you can see them here), but what exactly is a Mary Sue? There's obviously the story of the very first Mary Sue character, but the term means different things to different people. There was a discussion about this on...

Mary Sue or not Mary Sue

Mary Sue; the name is immortalized in a song and in literature, but they aren't the same person. So, my friend, you want to write a book, short story, or merely participate in a play by E-mail online roleplaying game and need a character. This article is going to tell you how to avoid a trap even...

9 Reasons why Baby Doll from Sucker Punch is a Mary Sue

The film Sucker Punch is a fantasy feast for your eyes. A girl is locked away in a mental asylum by her abusive stepfather where she repeatedly retreats to a fantastical world in her imagination where she and four other female inmates battle monsters, soldiers, dragons, and robots. I couldn't help...

The many different types of Mary Sue

Mary Sue characters are common in roleplaying and fanfiction, especially if the writer is an amateur and doesn't yet know the error of their ways. Mary Sue characters are perfect in every way, they're written so that everyone likes them, they're smart, incredibly beautiful, incredibly useful, and...

The origins of the Mary Sue character

Mary Sue characters have been around long before there was a term to describe them. The original mention of the term Mary Sue came from a Star Trek fanfiction story called “A Trekkies Tale”. This story was a parody of other fanfiction stories written by hardcore Trekkies who insert a new character...

18 ways to spot a Mary-Sue in your PBEM

So you've got a PBEM game, and you're recruiting for new members. You accept members based on the character biographies they've provided to you, but how do you know that these players are going to be any good in your game? Well, you can't really tell until you see them post. [caption...

2013 Game Summary

Come one come all to see the 2013 game summary! It's been a good year at Ongoing Worlds, and a lot has gone on in our many games, including casino games you can play online when you register w88 account which is a great site to play some casino games and gamble online. So whether you're here to find...

Good Writers vs Good Players

One of the most pleasant aspects of being a GM is reviewing applications and welcoming new players aboard your sim. Opening my email and finding a new application to read and review can be quite exciting. However, as a GM, you have to be selective about who you accept on your sim, and this is where...

Some useful articles for writing about characters

SEE ALSO: A character doesn't breathe until that first post There's quite a few articles on this website with advice for creating & writing characters that you might have missed. Here's a list of some useful ones: (more…)...