The Simming Endeavor: Episode 8 (Action)

Hello, and welcome once again to The Simming Endeavor, an online role playing elimination game of skill, luck, and cunnning, with a top prize of $100 USD. I’m Charles Star, and I’m back as your host. This experiment is both sim and game show at the same time. The contestants role play together in the play-by-post sim we created on the Ongoing Worlds platform while weekly blog posts here simultaneously serve as game show episodes. Last week was different. What will this week bring us?

Oh my. I can hardly wait! Make it painful!

Why isn’t there a button so we can skip the intro?!

It’s good to be back in our proper positions.


Sparky’s exit post is here and here. I have sent Sparky out with a very inventive means. He wanted to do a Jekyll and Hyde type of storyline, and I promised him that would be how he went out.

Thank you, Avakhon. This week’s special guest is the person I’ve known the longest in simming. Actually, he’s the one who recruited me into role playing more than 19 years ago. He’s been a friend, a rival, and mentor, and more. He even snagged a Squiddie award back in 2015. Without any further ado, here is James D. West of Independence Fleet.

Thank you, Charles. Has it really been that long? We’ve literally been through death and life together.


It’s a real pleasure to be here. This is certainly something I never imagined 19 years ago.

Try knowing people for a century! when you’re older than Dirt, like ME, you get used to it!

This guy looks just like Bruce Willis… I am starting to think these images are a not true to life.

Bruce Willis did what now?

*Waves. Welcome James.

Some of you might not know, but James’s middle initial D stands for Danger.

That brings us to our challenge. Simmers, your challenge this week is simple: Write an outstanding action sequence that advances the plot.

James was the king of action posts back in the day. ::wink wink:: As a reminder to everyone else, James and all of our special guests grade challenge posts based on quality, originality, and readability. Contestants, your challenge post must be submitted by 12:00 noon EST on Wednesday. Are there any questions?

What did we ever do to you?!

I have asked several other judges and still get no answers. WHAT is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?

Can we get Bruce Willis autograph?

I’m sorry, but I can’t answer any of those questions. Simmers, your challenge begins now. Good luck!

Hi, I’m Avakhon Khinsharri from Broken Lands Alliance RPG.
For my challenge post, I wrote “Queen’s Knight to Bishop-Checkmate (Series finale)”
Avakhon Khinsharri blogs about The Simming Endeavor at Broken Lands Alliance RPG.

Hi, I’m Corliss Fortune from the USS Gorkon of UFOP: Starbase 118. My challenge post this week is “Mansion of Horror, Part 1”

Hi, I’m Zuzutoo from Neverending Stories. For my challenge post, I wrote “Mansion of Horror Part 2”

Hi, I’m Largehobbit from Ongoing Worlds. My challenge post is “Goonies Never Say Die”
Largehobbit blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the OW Community Platform.

Hi, I’m October the USS Vindicator of UCIP. My challenge post for this episode is “There Was Snow”
October blogs about The Simming Endeavor on the UCIP blog.

Hi, I’m Mavis from the ISS Asha of Pegasus Fleet. My challenge post is “Who you gonna call?”

Welcome back, James. I trust you enjoyed the challenge posts?

I absolutely did. They reminded me of the good ole’ days!

Excellent. And who wrote the top three this week?

That would be Zuzutoo, October, and Mavis.

Me! Really?! Oh my!

Dude! Sweet!

Woo! I got a top spot! 🙂

WHOO HOO ZU! Awesome October! Marvelous Mavis!

Woo-hoo guys!!!

Zuzutoo, October, and Mavis, please step forward. Each of you, in that order, why do you think you might have win this week’s challenge?

I just took the horrifying story Corliss gave me and brought it to a fiery conclusion. But it was a great bonding moment for the characters, once they get done with therapy.

Well written and a good bit of action throughout the post. Very realistic fight/assault sequence.

Well I figured we’re in winter, Victorian times, and the stone was stolen… A good “chase” type scene is always a good thing, right? Added a horse, added some more trouble because goons are everywhere and… well… Just hope it was the right action recipe to appease the action master.

Wow. Powerful. Very well written, very detailed, and suspenseful. Makes you feel for the character, as if you were right there, wanting to reach through the screen and save her. Great work!

Thanks. I was going for something with a bit of a different ‘action’ than just big explosions, fights and stuff like that. Glad to I spooked you a little. 😋

Perfect length for a post – not to long, not too short. Very well written and suspenseful. Love the ghostbusters/halloween theme.

And who was #1?

Luck be a lady tonight!


Congratulations! Wow this getting tense!

Quick, someone do a drum roll!

The top challenge post this week belongs to October!

Congratulations, October, you’ve won immunity this week! Mavis was #2, and Zuztoo was #3.

::insert excited screaming here:: THANK YOU!

Well done October 😄 …. Wait, is no one safe? Is this really coming down to this in the end?

Great job, October! Loved it!

OUTSTANDING OCTOBER! Way to write those ponies in there!

James, thank you for all your help with this week’s episode. Until next time!

I’ll see you in fleet!

October has immunity this week. Contestants, cast your ballot for elimination now.

Avakhon Khinsharri.

My vote this week for elimination is Mavis. I have enjoyed your posts and all, but this had to come down to a very tough choice.

Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam, Avakhon Khinsharri.

Damn dice said Mavis.

Avakhon Khinsharri.

It’s getting harder to vote. So this is a dice roll as I loved everyone’s posts. *Rolls dice*. Sorry, my vote goes to Largehobbit. Can I just say to the audience, that we’ve all grown really close through this, and this is the part that we’re all hating the most! Also…. can we vote Charles out and throw a game show mutiny/stage invasion? 😋

To answer your question, Mavis: No, you may not. 😋 That’s one vote for Largehobbit, two votes for Mavis, and three votes for Avakhon Khinsharri. I’m sorry, Avakhon Khinsharri, but you are eliminated from The Simming Endeavor. Please provide any final words for the remaining contestants and who you would like to write your character out of the story.

Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam, but the day is NOT yet over. I have been fortunate to have had wonderful friendships to come from this meeting of very talented writers. The talent herein is unmatched by any I have seen in a very long time. I would ask October to write me out. Q’plah warriors, and ZU, you will know the vengeance of the stars upon your house.

Live long and prosper…

Sorry to see you go! (also, what’s this I hear about mutineering?)

If I were human I believe my response would be “go to hell.” If I were human. Avakhon, you had a great run. But alas, all good things must end. Good luck with all your other endeavors!

Tune in here to Ongoing Worlds next Sunday, November 3rd for Episode 9 as the remaining 5 contestants head for the homestretch!
Detective Endeavor | Ongoing |
Episode 1 (Introduction) | September 8, 2019 |
Episode 2 (Abdication) | September 15, 2019 |
Episode 3 (Déjè vu) | September 22, 2019 |
Episode 4 (Humor) | September 29, 2019 |
Episode 5 (Others) | October 6, 2019 |
Episode 6 (Change) | October 13, 2019 |
Episode 7 (Switch) | October 20, 2019 |
Episode 8 (Action) | October 27, 2019 |
Episode 9 (Return) | November 3, 2019 |
Episode 10 (Random) | November 10, 2019 |
Episode 11 (Decision) | November 17, 2019 |
Episode 12 (Finale) | November 24, 2019 |

Lt. Cmdr. Avakhon Khinsharri
“An OPertune Moment”
“Virtually Impossible Part 4”
“It’s NEWS to Me!-Part 5”
“Electric dreams Part 1” and “Electric dreams Part 2”
“Out of the Darkness (Part 2)”
“Darkness in the middle of light. (Part 2)”
“Queen’s Knight to Bishop-Checkmate (Series finale)”