OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


11 Reasons Why Play-by-Post Games are better than MMORPGs

Star Trek Online away team

I realize that this statement may be controversial, if not heretical. Many fans cling to their MMOs with great pride, whether it’s Star Trek Online, the Old Republic, World of Warcraft, or Elder Scrolls Online’s Beta. However, as cool as it is to have that level 60 Paladin/Jedi Knight/Klingon Captain/Battlemage, there are a few downsides you should be aware of. Read More


Brianne's tips on character creation

brianne's facebook pic

Brianne is a member of the Vampire roleplaying game Reign of Blood

Hey all. So, I was asked to write a few columns about rpg sites and how they run so I figured I would give it a shot. When I first started the rpg I am on, I had no idea how anything worked or what a forum even was. But, I have now been a member for Reign of Blood for almost 2 years now.

Make an original character

I have gone through a few characters and I know the difficulties of creating a good, unique character name. It seems everyone has their own way of creating a character. In my personal opinion, I would rather see a character that is unique instead of one you stole from a book or a movie (Yes, I am talking about people like the Cullen Clones. These are people who try to play the Cullens from the Twilight Series. Well, we call them the Cullen Clones because they couldn’t be creative enough to come up with their own character). I used to spend hours trying to create a good character and now it only takes me about 20 minutes. It can be this quick for you as well.