Bit of Apology

He was nearly shocked out of his skin, jumping and turning, and giving out a little yelp that did not sound like a man that big should give, to see her on the barrel. Not see her exactly, but make out the shape in the darkness. Had she been there the whole time. His heart was racing in his chest.

His sword was in his hand and he did not recall drawing it.

“I was just going to check on you.” He said and slid the sword away. “We are headed to the capital, in the morning, we should be there soon after breakfast.” The information was given in a casual manner.

The light of the moon was filtered through the boughs of the trees overhead and so only small shafts made it through. Most of the illumination came from the fey in the woods, so far, they had kept their distance. Kline hoped it would stay this way.

Kline ran a hand through the thick mane of hair on his head. “Look, I did not mean to sound rude back there. Just, that…” He seemed to be struggling to find the right words. “Good luck has not been coming around a lot, so, just waiting for the other boot to fall, if you understand my meaning.” He looked at her hopefully. “You are alright, Miss Kalena, and I am sorry if I said something or implied you were less than honest and truthful.” He did pause though. “You have to admit, you’re fighting style is one… well, not usually seen. I can say I have never seen it used.”

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