Chillin Out

At this point Jack and LeLu were sound asleep but still ready to fight the moment the door opened.

Jack and LeLu slept through the whole night and through most of the morning.

Lastly, he thought of that lady friend of his. She didn't seem to slow him down much, but he appeared to be the type of good-hearted fellow that would go to great lengths to rescue someone he barely knew. In the reports, there was never any mention of a girl accompaning the 'Slaver-killing Demon', so she must have appeared recently. Most likely, she was a rescued slave that the man had grown smitten with. Perhaps separating the two would aid him.

With his plan on his mind, he laid down on the soil. It wasn't the first time he had to sleep on the ground. He fell asleep rather quickly, but he would only sleep for a few hours.

He was hoping to have LeLu recover before they left so when Madam Jocelynn came by to see if he was hungry he ordered ten large stews and another few nights stay while cloaked to cover his facial features. Luckily he hid LeLu behind the bed before anyone could see her since he wanted to keep the slavers away from her. He made sure to tip Madam Jocelynn well in hopes she would let him rest in peace without being disturbed. He told Madam Jocelynn he was a scholar and needed to focus on his studies since he was behind. Once she was gone he sighed in relief as he hoped she bought his story. Luckily he was well educated so he could play it off. Once Madam Jocelynn returned with the large tray of food he thanked her and took the tray in his room and told her he would set it outside when done since he liked to eat while while he read his books. Once Madam Jocelynn was gone he made sure no one was close by before he woke up LeLu and let her eat nine of the bowls as he ate one of them. He was still amazed by how much food she could eat and not gain weight.......well except for her chest that is. While she ate and rested he meditated and did his daily exercises with as little noise as possible to avoid trouble. He hoped the slavers/bandits chasing after him would get confused and go home if he waited them out. He was tired of running and fighting the jerks who wanted to put him in chains.


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