OOC - Fumbled son of Fumbler

Ok Fumblers, we fumbled and here are your fumbles. Feel free to fumble more. Perhaps we will make some games :)


What was suggested? Fighting Fantasy, a good old dungeon crawl like Warlock of Fire Top Mountain with well managed game mechanics adapted for this format.
Who was interested? Largehobbit, Winteroak
Existing Games : None

What was suggested? We need more decent SciFi on here, we are smashing it with fantasy, post apocalypse and modern fantasy, but some really original sci-fi would be great to see.
Who was interested? Largehobbit, Nim, Winteroak, Jaku and Chris England
Existing Games : Advent, Traverse and SW Rogue Moon

What was suggested? Short term casual games, with a clear start and end. One of my main blocks to joining games is time commitment, but if the game is casual or had a clear start and end it would make it easier to commit.
Who was interested? Largehobbit,
Existing Games : None

What was suggested? Age of Exploration treasure hunting game. Basically, players would be on a big, 16th/17th century boat and would sail across the ocean looking treasure, like the Fountain of Youth, Elixer of Life, Blackbeard's Treasure, etc.
Who was interested? Nim
Existing Games : None

What was suggested? An Egypt theamed game would be fun.
Who was interested? Lily
Existing Games : None

What was suggested? Fantasy and adventure stories, like the Lord of the Rings series.
Who was interested? Amber, Largehobbit
Existing Games : Beyond the Ragnarok, Chromatic City, War of the Ancients

What was Suggested? History games like Swords of Italy, which was set in Rennaissance, where there were three feuding families.
Who was interested? Amber, Nim
Existing Games : None

Fumbler Fumbled. Fumbling Out :)

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