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Character Esimed

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OOC - Quote of the Week Winner!

Ladies and gentlemen, the verdict is in! The quote of the week has been chosen, and the winner is...

ESIMED for the following quote from Beyond the Ragnarok!

“I will admit the male rompers can be a bit more tiring, but there are times when a woman craves an exhausting ordeal. I'd settle for several hard hours with you on the pallet if you’re up for it. I would not want to prolong our fornicating beyond that which your body can sustain. Unless you're ready to meet your maker. I could work wonders with a death spell performed at the peak of your manly meddling.” She gave his hair a slight tug and reluctantly let him go. “Think about it.”

Caligari Calarook - Beyond the Ragnarok

This quote has it all: sexual tension, wry humor, and a ton of personality. Without being a player in Beyond the Ragnarok, I can see precisely the kind of character Caligari is in just a few enticing sentences.

Congratulations Esimed!

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