OOC - Beneath the Maelstrom (A teaser)

Gifts from Above – The Elesium Codex VI.XXl

Three things fell to the earth that night and each in their own way would change the Darklands forever. It was just after midnight when the Maelstrom began to stir. The vast canopy of cloud and gods know what else boiled and groaned and the air beneath grew heavy and pregnant with the promise of rain. When the storm finally came it came with a fury. Acid rain and hail scored the streets of Dusk and crushing winds hammered against its walls. Lightning forked down into the city starting fires and overloading machinery. If not for the great pylons built to harness the immense power of the Maelstrom the damage could have been much worse.


Eli looked down on the city. Up here on the Roost, a vast tower and docking station for the cities airships, the view was spectacular. He sat behind a plate glass window watching the lightning blast down into the Steamworks below. A massive explosion marked a strike on one of the refineries. Shit that would be expensive!

“All of the ships are secured down in the yards captain.” Came a voice from behind.
Eli turned from where he was standing to take in the site of his first mate, Lina Kellgorian.

“Very good.” He murmered, “I suppose the rest of the crew are already drunk?”

She smirked, “The Cog is lively tonight sir.”

“Well you better get down there and get caught up I... what is it?” Lina was staring over his shoulder as if she had seen a ghost.

“A ship.” She gasped.

He turned and peered into the storm, “Can’t be, what mad bastard would go out in this.” A flash of distant lightning and he saw it. Lina stepped to his side,

“It’s huge!” she said, placing a hand on the plate glass as if to steady herself.

“It has passed through the Maelstrom.” Eli spoke slowly not believing his own words, “It isn’t one of ours!”

“Shit me.” Lina stepped back glancing between the ship and Eli.

“It’s not ours.” He repeated considering the implications, he turned and grabbed Linas shoulder, “Get those bastards out of the Cog right now and onboard ship and let’s hope they are pissed as a cider barrel full of ferrets because we are going out there.”

Less than an hour later the crew of the Seraphim were busy on deck. A few were vomiting over the side and one was leading a chorus of “Climbing old Nelly” as they did their best to ignore the sheer insanity of what they were about to do.

“Get those fires stoked boys.” Yelled Eli over the howling of the wind, “Were flying into the mouth of a dragon tonight make no mistake.”

“Away anchor.” Lina called out and the Seraphim lurched as it rose into the air.

“Rise with the wind and await my order.” Eli called out.

The ship was pulled upwards by the storm and swept off towards the south of the city. The ropes around the balloon creaked and strained as the wind tried to tear them away. Once they were high enough Eli raced to the foredeck and searched the skies for their prey.

“Raise the pylons!” he cried and large metal spike were hoisted up towards the ships rear. “Steady!”

There was a flash and then another followed by the ear splitting roar of thunder. The lightning snaked down the pylons, jumping between them before blasting into the reactor at their base. The deck was bathed in a green light as the fuel within came to life. Just at that moment Eli caught the sight of the strange ship as it fell towards the distant plains.

“Now!” he ordered running back to grab the wheel as the two thrusters at the back of the vessel came to life, propelling them forward against the wind. They would get to the fallen ship first and claim what was found.


Emma sat in the window and watched the mist role through the street below. The storm had passed and the city was quiet once more. It had been a slow night in the Ladys Grace what with the weather, but a few tricks were turning up at the door below now to keep the girls busy.

She smiled at the sound of laughter and expended passion from the room next door and reached for a cigarette. She waved it over the nearby gas lamp and the green flame did its work. She took a long drag and savoured the brief easing of her mind and muscles as the tobacco seeped in. The cigarettes had been a gift from a regular, though he had not thought to give her anything to light them with. Cheep bastard.

She stood and walked to the tall mirror she kept at the end of the bed. Some tricks liked that kind of thing. She studied her body as she blew out smoke in heavy clouds to obscure her face. The black lace lingerie and red chiffon night gown left little to the imagination. She turned this way and that considering her figure.

There was movement in the window behind her, she frowned at the reflection and turned to look out.

“What... the... fuck.” She murmured the cigarette hanging limp and forgotten in her hand.

Floating towards the ground wings spread wide was a girl. Wings! She had bloody wings? The girl landed on the cobbled street the wings retracing to tuck in behind her back. Some sort of tech then? They made some strange shit over at the Steamworks but nothing like this.

The girl looked scared, staring wildly from left to right. She was also strangely dressed, some kind of bleached leather by the look of it. A Highholm brat maybe? The sound of voices echoed from the mist as a group of men approached. They saw her and called out.

The strange girl froze for a moment before darting into the alley that ran alongside the Ladys Grace. The men followed.

“Oh crap.” Emma cursed as she grabbed her fur coat and raced out of the room.

“Everything ok?” one of the girls poked her head out as Emma marched past.

“A spot of bother.” Emma replied, “Be a dear and tell big Joe to meet me out back will you?”

Emma made her way down the stair and to the rear of the building. She could already hear raised voices through the closed door. She realised she was still carrying the cigarette and took a quick drag before opening the door and stepping out.

“Evening boys.” She said as she stepped out into the alley. She saw the men, four of them surrounding a very frightened and very odd looking girl. Close up she considered that she was dressed like one of those Skyriders.

The men turned to see Emma standing there hands on hips. Her coat had fallen open slightly and they were getting an eye full.

“How about you leave my friend here alone and come spend your coin inside.” She offered, gesturing towards the open door. One of them took a step forward but the biggest of them, a broken nosed brute of a man put his hand on the lads chest.

“How about we have some fun for free with you and the girl here. Besides I want that pretty contraption she has on her back. Looks expensive.”

“I will only give you this one warning.” Emma said, dropping the cigarette the ground and stamping it out beneath the toe of a red stiletto.”

“I’m gonna enjoy this.” The brute growled as he pulled a knife from his belt. Out of the corner of her eye Emma saw a hulking shadow fill the doorway behind her. She smiled.

“Missus?” came a low voice.

“Be a dear Joe and teach these boys a lesson will you?”

“Yes Missus.” There was a flash of movement as a hulk of a man tore from the doorway and into the four men. There was a metallic crunch as Big Joe punched their broken nose leader clear across the alleyway. Emma watched with pride as her man made short work of the other three. The mechanical prosthetic that replaced Joes missing arm was an ugly thing but it was bloody brutal in a fight.

Three of the men had run of into the night now and only broken nose remained; only it was now more like broken face. He was clambering to his feet, knife still in hand and a wild eyed look on his face.

“Move aside dear.” Emma ordered Joe as she pulled a small pistol from the inside of her coat.

“No.” The man roared in sudden panic but his words were cut short by an ear splitting crack as the bullet flew clear through his chest, splattering the wall behind with blood.

The strange girl was still crouching against the far wall obviously terrified by the whole ordeal and shivering from the cold. Emma crouched down next to her and held out a hand.

“Come inside my sweet and we will get you warmed up.” The girls eyes were sky blue and her hair clean and golden, and her skin. So pale and smooth. Where was she from?

After a few seconds she took Emmas hand and allowed herself to be led towards the open door. Just before they passed through Emma looked up at the clouds above. The Maelstrom churned as thick and black as ever, she shook her head and entered.


It was around three in the morning when the residents of tenement three woke to an almighty crash. Gill sat bolt upright in bed and scurried to his window. In the yard below a great billow of smoke was floating up towards him. He ran towards his bedroom door and out through the flat. Running down the stairs he met with other occupants of the building as they made their way down. He vaguely heard his mother calling out behind him but raced on regardless. The storm had been fantastic enough but now this!

He was one of the first outside and was forced to cover his nose and mouth as the dust settled around them. There was a hulking shape in the middle of a large crater. He stepped forward to get a better look.

“What is it.” Came a voice from across the yard.

“Where did it come from.” Came another.

“It fell out of the sky.” Someone called out.

“My arse it did!” came the response. Gill ignored it all as he stepped forward.

“Tell that kid so keep away.” Old Joe yelled down from his window, pointing at Gill.

Gill was close now and he could vaguely make out the shape of the thing. It looked like a man, a metal man. His heart raced with excitement as he stared at the strange figure and then suddenly it whirred into life.

Its eyes flashed green and the sound of creaking metal and whirring gears filled the air as the thing stood.

“Wow!” Gill gasped at the metal figure towered over him. It was made from plate black metal and its eyes were glowing brightly now.

“WOW?” came a booming voice from the metal man.

Gill grinned up at it, “Who are you?” he asked.

“I AM HERE TO SERVE.” The thing answered, “HOW MAY I SERVE.”

There was a scream from the doorway behind him and Gill turned to see his mother standing there her face as white as a ghost.

“It’s ok mum he is here to help.”

“HELP” the metal man repeated, there was a whir and a clank and the thing stepped out of the crater. Gill felt the ground shake beneath him.

“Gill get away from that thing.” His mother ordered.

“Mum its ok.” Gill stood there with the metal man towering behind him, its green eyes gleaming.

The Council Hall of Elesium was buzzing with conversation as Ezenda marched in. His sandles tapped against the marble floor and he tucked his white robe of office tight around his frail form to keep out the morning chill. The Hall grew silent as he took his place on the speakers circle. He raised his hands making ready to speak and all turned to hear his words.

“There has been an incident.” He called out, this was met by murmurs and nods of agreement.

“There are no doubt rumours of a ship passing through the Maelstrom last night.” More murmurs.

“We hear it was your ship and you daughter who took it.” A voice came from the back of the room and Ezenda glared at the source, a grey haired man with a thin frame.

“A ship was indeed taken.” He continued trying to ignore the barb.

He paused for a moment, not wanting to go further but he had to, they knew anyway, “and... and it was indeed my daughter who took it, along with some other... items.” There was a stir then, so they did not know everything.

He would have to be careful. The Icarus Wings were a prototype and the Gollum while not irreplaceable had no place beneath the Maelstrom, they were growing difficult to control as it was without access to that kind of technology.

This would require a delicate hand...

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