OOC - Separate and Conquer

Hello again, fellow players!
Yet another disturbing matter came to pass my mind recently. You see, as a moderator, I was blessed with plenty of talented players, but as expected, some are a lot more active than others and that creates a bit of a disconnection in the story.

For example, the team engaged in battle with a fierce enemy!
So the active players will respond immediately with posts of their actions and attacks, while the others could take more than a day to write something as obscure as "Biorgen throws his knives at the monsters."

You may say that a player who's not really active would probably be a player that, once logged in, will write a mind-blowing post with amazing detail and devotion, but that's rarely the case. Actually, I have to give a shout-out to Jaxx, who is one of the most active players in my game, for making very adequate and expensive posts that drive the story forward with an amazing pace. Thx Jaxx.

The most unnerving thing about inactive players is the fact that the story could get stuck without their characters interacting with whatever happened before.

But enough about the problem; what's the solution? Quite simple really!
I think that in a case such as the one mentioned above, the moderator should split (even temporarily so) the players into two groups of characters, but step by step, so that it would fit the narrative and not damage the flow of the events resolving around.
A group of more intensive action and dialogue; and a group of characters that support the story on a less stressed out environment.

I have just recently tried using this method in New Mutants, where literally half of the players boarded on a jet to go out on an urgent rescue mission, while the other half stayed at the base mansion to deal with problems that are not battle-involving.

I hope that this information will somehow help all of you mods out there in your games; I'm just a beginner at it, and I'm happy to share whatever technique I learn with everyone else. Cheers! -TheHeroUp

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