Summary: Slicing all up in your bizness
Daiton Jor
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Gender: M
Age: 23
Group: Rebellion
Game: Star Wars: Alliance
Burnin KonnJob
Rebel SlicerPhysical Appearance
Kind of a scraggly guy with messy medium-length hair, Daiton usually wears a cloak with a hood up, or something of a knit cap on at all times. His clothes are a mixture of padded browns and dark greys/blacks with black combat boots on. He always has a black utility belt with all hids gear on him, such as datapads, code cylinders, spikes, and more.Daiton has a custom pit droid that essentially has something like a MOUS droid instead of legs for locomotion. It has its own set of spikes and tools for electronic and computer interfaces. "Dummy" is a rather junky droid, breaking down and shorting out almost more than he succeeds.