Prophetess Locust

"Alish Woluar or Sister Locust is the title given by the Ozainae people to the foremost spiritual leader of 'The Wandering', the religion practiced by most of the Desert of Skulls Spets. She is also the leader of the priest-sorcerers, based in the lost city of Gra'akast.

According to tradition the spirit of the first Seer incarnates into a new vessel upon the death of its previous host. The current Sister Locust is said to be 26th immortal and perpetual incarnation of the figure. All Prophets of the religion have been female, assuming the role at the time of puberty, where a great desire to endure the Pilgrimage of Bones descends on them and are compelled to travel to the Holy city of Gra'akast.

Once there and upon making a claim to the title, the new incarnation of the Seer is put through a series of tests and trials to confirm its veracity. Since the time of the original revelations by the Gods Viher and Yther, to the first Seer upon the scorching sands of their homeland, this figure has always been a symbol of unification of the realm to the Ozainae, where she has represented 'The Wandering' values and traditions. Her religious authority goes beyond sectarian boundaries and has worked to overcome divisions in the nomadic communities, becoming the symbol of brotherhood and sisterhood for the desert Septs.

She is also the only figure that can raise the Sand Horde, the military amalgamation of all fighting men and women, under the twin banners of Dust and Water, usually during times of great need or conflict.

It is said that the first Seer was an Odonine Fire Priestess of Fosia. She was declared an heretic due to preaching about mutual respect between her own creed and the nascent faith that worshipped Noraura upon the mountains of Fang. She was banished to certain death to the desert. According to tradition, rather than dying in the heat, she went deaf, experienced the series of revelations that are the tenets of 'The Wandering' and was granted miraculous powers as well as that of Prophecy and Reincarnation.

She spent the rest of her life preaching to and bring the Ozainae together under one banner and one faith, who after her death would raise the first Maelstrom against the Odonine and Odsier under the leadership of the 2nd Sister Locust...

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