The Witch & The Dragon

JP with Winteroak and White_Caribou

As the musicians began to play, Shalia was slowly nursing her second cup of wine. Her stomach had never been the strongest to alcohol and though the drinks offered in the mountain had helped harden it to some extent, she was still very cautious about drinking. The first plate was devoured and a second helping had been given.

She listened to the music tentatively and it brought her much amusement. Hearing instruments and seeing performances were something she missed dearly and it only made her want to play one of her own again. She didn't recognize the fiddle-like instrument. More so, seeing Ilhara women standing among the men was a little jarring and it was clear in her expression. It had been so long ago since she saw women standing eye to eye with the men. So many years since she started towering over them, all alone.

With her attention drawn on the women of the musicians, Shalia hadn't noticed the large man come forth. When the flames shot out and lit up the courtyard, she flinched deeply. Her eyes snapped over to him with her quiet breaths sounding alarmed and eyes widened. The great roar of fire seemed to engulf her vision and any thought she had.
There was no clapping or excitement from her initially, not until she felt Yashker turn slightly to look her way. Hesitantly she moved her hands to clap along with the others and pressed a tight smile onto her lips to keep the appearance as best she could, masking the sudden panic and irritation. She could feel her hands beginning to tremble and she folded them tightly in her lap to steady them.

~What a foolish thing to be afraid of, some fire. You're better than that.~ A silent voice called to her.

The rest of the evening continued into the night Yashker told Shalia that her meeting with the Ozainae emissary would take place tomorrow at noon. A room on the higher floors of the fort was set aside for their parlay. He was curious what the meeting was about knowing full well that the Witch spoke for the War Chieftan of the Odonine but refrain from asking what it was all about.

As much as Shalia inquired about her counterpart, the priest did the same about her.

Later has the feast came to an end, and the guests started to make their way to their own quarters, the emissary stood up to leave and bowed deep to the leader of the tribe and to Shalia Nix before making his way out of the courtyard.

Not long after, Shalia bid her farewells and expressed her thanks and returned to her quarters.

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